life became, no matter how angry Rachel was, it didn’t matter. There or not, these were Amanda’s two days. And since when wouldn’t she cut off her right arm for either Peg or Amanda?
Rachel had agreed to Garrett’s deal thinking Peg would refuse his request. She should have known Peg would likely grant him anything within reason. She’d walked right into that one and now she was stuck, but she didn’t have to like it.
Rachel breathed deeply and straightened, tamping down her desire to storm out of the room. She smiled, probably a wobbly, pathetic stretching of her lips. “Of course, Peg. I’ll be happy to show Mr. Harding around.” She turned toward Garrett, wishing looks really could kill. “What time would you like to start?”
One corner of his lip twitched slightly, and his eyes shone with amusement . . . at her expense. “That’s really nice of you, Rachel. Is oh-eight-hundred too early?”
“Not at all. I’ll have time to get my run in before we start.” Rachel lifted the pile of dishes she’d accumulated and started to push her chair out.
Garrett was instantly behind her, moving her chair away from the table. As she brushed by him he laid a hand lightly on her arm, and that same pulse of energy that had leaped between them earlier in the Jeep hit her full force again. “You run? I’d like to get a few miles in myself. Would you mind if I joined you? Especially after what happened at the bar today. It might not hurt for you to have some company.”
Oh no! Rachel closed her eyes and waited for it.
“What happened at the bar today?”
She turned to face Peg’s questioning gaze. Jonathan scowled blackly in Garrett’s direction and leaned back in his chair, looking as though he’d like to disappear right along with her. She and Jonathan had an unspoken agreement—they didn’t worry Peg unnecessarily. Too bad Rachel hadn’t taken into consideration the likelihood that Garrett would mention the events of the day.
“It was nothing, Peg. Riley and his brothers had a little too much to drink and were out having fun.” Rachel forced a smile.
Peg nodded, and the whole darn thing would have gone away if Rachel could only have found a way to shut Garrett up. She whirled on him as soon as he started to speak.
“Wait a minute. It was a hell of a lot more than that. Those hoodlums were intent on taking Rachel somewhere without her consent. Where I come from, that’s called kidnapping. And they were having fun with two sawed-off shotguns.” His gaze swept from Peg, to Jonathan, to Rachel.
When his eyes turned to her, his oh-shit moment was obvious, but it was too late.
Peg left her seat and strode toward her. “Are you all right, dear?”
“Of course. I’m fine, and there’s nothing to worry about. Jonathan had a talk with them, and I’m sure they won’t do anything like that again.” Rachel glared at Jonathan, hoping he’d back her up, but he remained silent.
“Jonathan knew about this, too, and neither of you thought to tell me? Well, thank goodness for Garrett.” She smiled fondly at him. “Riley’s bunch has gotten out of hand. Something needs to be done about them. I think it’s time to have a talk with the sheriff. For now, Rachel, I don’t want you outside the lodge alone until the sheriff has had a chance to check into this.” Peg waited for Rachel’s dutiful nod before she dropped her napkin on the table and started for the door. “Jonathan, may I have a word, please?”
Jonathan groaned and glowered at Rachel as he stood and pushed his chair back. “You’re going to be the death of me, girl.”
“It wasn’t my fault. It was . . . ”
“ He didn’t know we were keeping that information from Peg, did he? I’m afraid this one’s on you, Rachel.” Jonathan nodded briefly at Garrett and followed Peg’s path from the room.
Okay, so maybe she was at fault, and if she ever got Riley in her sights again, she was going to shoot the worthless vermin, but why