with mistrust.
Paige and Cameron both began to chuckle at the ferocity with which Emma took ownership of her toy and her fierce expression. “She’s very possessive of Mr. Snuggles and her stuffed bear, Lola. She doesn’t even like to part with them when it’s time for them to hit the washing machine,” she teased, earning herself a grin in return.
“I’d like to spend some quality time with Emma. That way she can get used to me being around.” He rubbed his chin. “I know it’ll take some time, but I want her to know me. It’s important that she recognizes me as her father.”
“Of course,” she said with a nod.
“I could take her to the upcoming spring festival. There’s always something fun to do there.”
“That should be fine,” she said. “I’ll be in touch.” She took the diaper bag from Cameron’s hand and slung it over her shoulder. After making sure Emma was fully bundled up in her coat and hat, she headed to the door. Once again, curious stares seemed to greet her as she walked out of the Moose Café. Let them stare! All they cared about was town gossip and rumors. They had no idea that she was back in town with a purpose. Her love for her father dictated that she uphold his dying wish of redemption. And her newfound faith had shown her that separating a man from his child was wrong.
A sliver of fear crept down her spine. Although it had been one of her goals to introduce Cameron to his daughter in the hopes that they would forge a relationship, the idea of Emma and Cameron bonding made her feel vulnerable. She had always been the custodial parent, the one who did all the nurturing and heavy lifting. Emma was all she had in the world. What might happen if Cameron got married and decided he wanted to raise Emma? What would she do if Emma decided down the road that she wanted to be a part of the big, bustling Prescott family? All she had to offer her daughter was herself. There was no one else. No uncles or aunts. Or grandparents. No bells or whistles. In many ways, Cameron could offer Emma a much fuller life than she ever could.
Paige knew her feelings were selfish, but she couldn’t control the growing tide of anxiety. As a single mother, she had always felt vulnerable. Giving her daughter a full, richly textured life was essential to Emma’s well-being. It was something she’d prayed over on many occasions. That God would allow Emma to be loved abundantly. Now all her fears were rising to the surface and bubbling over. The truth was hard to ignore. It caused her stomach to get all tied up in knots. If she lost her precious Emma, she wouldn’t have a single thing left in her world. She would be completely and utterly alone.
Chapter Five
A small town like Love didn’t harbor many secrets. By the time Cameron opened up the Moose Café the next morning, the entire village had heard about Paige’s return and the fact that she had brought back a baby who was his spitting image. His phone had been ringing off the hook since last night with inquiries from concerned citizens and well-meaning friends. Add in a few town gossips and his head had been spinning with all the attention being directed his way.
Paige’s name was on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Even gentle-hearted Honor had been up in arms, especially when he had confirmed the fact that he was Emma’s father.
Last night Paige had reached out to him about meeting up over at the site of the unfinished cannery building. She had mentioned something about getting all her ducks lined up in a row before the town council meeting. He’d reluctantly agreed to meet her this morning after he opened up the café and made sure Sophie and Hazel could hold down the fort. Still, after all this time, he found it almost impossible to say no to her. Although he respected Paige for wanting to make things right, he wasn’t sure of his role in her grand plan. A long time ago he had made peace about the fact that instead of being involved with