Ryker's Baby

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Book: Ryker's Baby by Lauren Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Hunt
straight face for as long as possible but cracked a smile first. We both doubled over laughing. If someone had walked in on us and seen us laughing over corpses, they'd think us insane. And maybe we were.
    “Help me carry these to the backyard.” Ryker picked up Ian by the shoulders and I grabbed the legs. The body was extremely heavy. Heavier than I would have ever expected. Ryker did most of the work dragging the body. Now I understood the need for plastic sheeting. Without it, we would've had a blood trail leading all the way from the living room to the backyard.
    After some back-breaking work, all four bodies were lined up next to each other outside. “We're not digging with our hands are we?” I asked, wiping the sweat from my brow.
    Ryker picked up a shovel. “I'll dig. I need you back inside cleaning the blood off the floors. There's some cleaning supplies underneath the kitchen sink.” The thought of all that blood made me a little woozy but it beat digging in the heat next to the worst smell I'd ever experienced.
    “What chemicals will get blood out?”
    “Doesn't matter. We just need the place to look clean.”
    I understood. We didn't want to give anyone a reason to look in the first place. I went inside and to the kitchen. There wasn't much in the way of cleaning supplies. Just some surface cleaner and some dirty rags.
    I worked on the two blood stains while watching Ryker dig outside with his shirt off. Sweat dripped off his inked chest. I wanted to feel his warm naked skin against mine. I couldn't even go an hour after sex without desiring him again. Maybe a few times a day wouldn't be enough?
    I finished cleaning and went out to check on Ryker's progress. The hole in the dirt wasn't very big but he had twisted and crammed the four bodies into it. Once it was covered, there was only one thing left to do.
    We stood at the edge of the lake and watched as the Murphy's white SUV sank into the water front first. I held Ryker's hand and closed my eyes, feeling the sun on my face.
    It was all over.
    Ryker turned to me and held my hand. “I love you, Tempest.”
    My heartbeat spiked. Was this really happening right now? The crazy thing was that I loved him too. “I love you too, Ryker.”
    Ryker smiled and kissed me. I melted right away in his arms. Things were moving so quickly but I couldn't help the way I felt. This man was the one for me and there was nothing I could do to change that.
    “What do we do now?” I asked.
    “Go back to my place?” Ryker suggested, slipping a hand down the back of my jeans.
    “I don't know if I can wait that long,” I replied, leaning over and unzipping his jeans.
    “Baby, you're the best,” he moaned as I put his entire length into my mouth.

Chapter Ten

One Month Later

When I killed the Murphy brothers, I didn't realize that I'd be out of a job. I never held a real job my entire life. Being an enforcer was all I knew. Tempest wanted me to take over the Murphy family since their was nobody to take charge anymore. The thought had crossed my mind but ruling an empire was never an ambition of mine. I didn't have the brains for it. The only thing I was good at was beating the living shit out of people.
    Tempest decided to go back to school to finish her degree. She had overcome so much and now was the time for her to regain her old life. She still got cravings for heroin but I was always there to keep her focused on what mattered. Tempest started going to an addicts anonymous that seemed to being helping too.
    I wanted her to feel normal again but I couldn't tell if I was holding her back. I was apart of this dark life that she was trying to get past. She still hadn't contacted her parents. They still believed she was missing or dead. I tried to talk her into calling them but she told me she didn't know what to say to them.
    It was almost noon when I decided to drag myself out of

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