
Free RendezvousWithYou by Cecily French Page A

Book: RendezvousWithYou by Cecily French Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cecily French
in and out of her as she
straddled him on her knees. Or maybe on top of a table. She shivered at the
thought of the cool hard wood beneath her ass and feet as she opened her legs
to accept him. She tweaked her nipples once more, just to last until his mouth
fastened on them, and shivered again. She must remember to ask him to pleasure
her with his hand first.
    And depending on whether there was one in their room,
perhaps they could do it in front of a mirror.
    Only slightly satisfied, she dressed and left for the
    * * * * *
    Where in blazes is she? I told her not to be late!
    The man readjusted his mask and peered across the room. It
was ten minutes after eight and the other guests—five men counting himself and
four women, all masked—had already arrived. He didn’t mind waiting for pleasure
as long as it wasn’t too long a wait. A glance at the others showed them
engaged in private conversations. From his breeches pocket, he cautiously took
out her written reply to the note he had sent her earlier.
    Your future satisfaction is assured, my good sir. Let
your imagination run wild. Until tonight .
    Trying not to grin too broadly, he returned the note to his
pocket. Not only would he have satisfaction, but he’d be a thousand pounds
richer if his partner proved up to the task. He glanced at the others. He had
no idea who they were and didn’t care. But no doubt like him, the chance to
earn a thousand pounds simply for a night of tupping was too tempting for them
to pass up.
    No matter how vast his fortune, he could always use an extra
thousand pounds. In spite of that, he longed for another lengthy session with a
certain blonde lady. Their afternoon romp at the hotel and then in the carriage
had left him eager for the evening and all that was to follow.
    A murmur started on the other side of the room and his gaze
followed. A woman in a silver gown carrying an open ivory fan had entered. An
elaborate mask of mauve and gold covered her upper features and a matching
reticule dangled from her wrist. Her elaborate white wig shimmered like
starlight from the flicker of hundreds of candles around the room. His groin
ached in anticipation and only the sternest of internal commands kept his cock
from hardening in front of God and everyone else. The thought of her hands on
him nearly made him groan aloud, but he pressed his lips together, keeping his
desire—for now—behind his mouth.
    He crossed the room, making his walk one more suited to an
easy stroll through Hyde Park and not a man impatient to begin an evening of
sexual abandon. He might have to punish her just a bit for making him wait,
naughty chit that she was. Maybe a quick slap or two to that sweet lovely ass
of hers. But nothing too hard. Her porcelain skin was far too lovely to
mar with bruises. A sore ass might slow their fun.
    And since she would be on that ass a good portion of the
evening, he didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Some might like pain along
with their lovemaking, but he had no use for it.
    She stood waiting, her fan beating a slow, steady rhythm.
Her mouth, tinted with just the faintest hint of rouge, curved up as he
approached. The other couples had returned to their own conversations. That was
among this evening’s rules. One did not attempt to learn the identities of the
other guests and one paid attention only to one’s partner for the evening.
    And by heaven, he would give her every bit of attention she
wanted…and then some.
    He stopped before her and bowed. “I believe you are mine for
the evening, my lady?”
    “I am.” Her voice rolled over him in a velvet growl and she
inclined her head.
    “Can you prove it?”
    The tip of her tongue ran over her lips and from her gown’s
low-cut bodice—one that if cut any lower would give every man present a good
look at all of her breasts instead of only the upper half—she produced a small
scrap of paper. “I believe you sent me this earlier today?”
    He opened and read over

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