Just Between Friends

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Book: Just Between Friends by A. Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Wolfe
and witnessed would be with him for the rest of his life, but he was very thankful he had survived, for he knew he had to help Miranda.  She had begun to talk, but she still showed no emotion whatsoever.
         It had been two weeks now, since he had returned home, and he hadn’t gone to see her yet, because he hadn’t wanted her to see him until he had gained a little weight, and some color to his face.  He had been so run down, but the day came when he could wait no longer.  He dressed, then deciding a walk would do him good, and also give him time to think as to what to say, he informed his mother to where he was going, and nervously left.
         His thoughts had kept him so occupied, that he was there before he even realized it.  Cautiously making his way to the door, he paused a moment, then knocked.  As he heard someone approaching, his heart began to pound.
         Mary Porter opened it, and gasped, as she saw him.  She quickly took him in her arms and proclaimed, “Oh, Alec, I’m so glad to see you!  I’m so glad you came back safe. Have you heard from Ben?”
         “No, we haven’t, but we heard that everyone hasn’t returned home yet.  I know he’ll be back soon.”
         Mary just smiled, as Alec asked, “Is Miranda home?  I’d really like to see how she’s doing.  I’m so sorry about Steven.”
         Nodding her head in response, she remarked, “Thank you.  I can only hope that eventually everything will get better.”
         “It will, one day.”  He encouraged.  “Time will heal.”
         Looking hopeful, Mary declared, “I sure hope so.  Well, Miranda’s upstairs.  You’re welcome to go up and talk to her.  Maybe seeing you will do her some good.”
         As he ascended the stairs, he tried to think of what he would say.  Suddenly, he was at her door.  Hand shaking, he reached out and tapped lightly.  When no-one answered, he spoke, “Miranda,” and opened the door slightly, “it’s me, Alec.  May I come in?”
         As he opened it more, there she sat, in a chair by her window.  She turned, as he entered, and just stared as if she didn’t even recognize him.  He walked over to her and knelt before her and took her small hand in his.  “Miranda, don’t you know who I am?”
         Looking blankly at him, she answered, “Sure I do, Alec.  I haven’t seen you for a while.  Where have you been?”
         “Why, don’t you remember, Miranda?”  He asked worriedly.  “I’ve been at war, and just returned home a few days ago.”
         She just sat there for a while staring at him, as if in thought.  Finally, she replied, “Oh, I’m so glad.  I’ve been sitting here watching for Steven.  He should be returning any day now.”
         Alec didn’t know what to say or do.  He didn’t expect to find her in this condition.  He had to be careful of what he said.  Cautiously, he continued, “Miranda, I’ve missed you.  It’s been such a long time.”  He paused for a moment before adding, “I’m awfully sorry about Steven. Although we had our disagreements, it’s hard losing a good friend.  I’ll miss him.”
         Miranda cut in, “No, you have it all wrong, Alec.  Steven’s not dead.  People just think that.  I know, because I’ve heard his voice.  He told me not to give up on him.  He’ll be returning one day, you’ll see.”
         Stunned, Alec replied with sadness in his voice, “Oh, Miranda.”  She was worse than he had thought.  He had to find a way to get her to see the truth.  He knew she would hurt for a while, but in time she would learn to accept it.
         “Listen, Miranda,” he tried to make her see reason.  “I don’t mean to hurt you, but you’re not facing reality.  You have to realize, that Steven is dead and he’s not coming back.  You have to face it before you can learn to

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