truly was, to see it in the reflection of her eyes.
“ Through you, I've seen the truth about myself. You've made me believe that my internal beauty is a masterpiece. Now,” she said, “look into my eyes and tell me you can see your courage; look into my eyes and believe what's inside you as much as you believe what's in me .”
“ I see it,” he said. He did see it.
He saw everything he ever wanted to be in the reflection of her eyes.
He leaned over and kissed her. It was a passionate kiss, pulling their hearts together, causing stars to be born and all the heavens to sing. Their tongues danced, causing electricity to shoot through their bodies. He touched her face, she grabbed his side, and they allowed all the love they dreamed of sharing with another pour out of them. They kissed, and knew this was the moment of clarity, of understanding, they had been waiting for all their lives. This was why their first glance had held so much power.
As they embraced, they understood why they had to meet; they realized that they needed to find each other in order to fully find themselves. And through each other, they did find themselves. They found the truth they hadn't been able to believe alone. She was pure, he was courageous, and together they were fully alive.
He pulled her up to her feet, and wrapped his arms around her waist. She threw her arms around his neck. Jay felt courage ignite in his spirit. Leaf felt her inner beauty shine so bright its light began to consume every part of her. He kissed her again with a passion greater than his love for art. He loved her; he loved everything about her. She was more than a masterpiece. She was more than perfect. She was more than anything he had ever experienced.
How long they stayed there kissing, talking and laughing they didn't know. But when Jay noticed the sun would soon be setting he was shocked. He glanced at his watch to see what time it was.
“ Oh, wow, it's late—but we still have time.”
“ For what?”
He knelt down on one knee and looked up at Leaf, “Will you go to the Ball with me tonight?”
She laughed. “My very own Prince Charming—Yes, a thousand times, yes!”
He stood to his feet and grabbed her hand, “Then come on, we've got one more stop to make before we make our grand entrance tonight.” He pulled her in front of him. “You get us out of these woods and I'll lead from there.”
“ Lead us where?”
“ To Dacy's!” He wrapped his arms around her again, kissing her lips and declaring, “You need a new dress, new socks and new shoes.”
She grabbed him and held him close.
“ It's a beautiful idea, but we can't—I don't have the money to buy a new dress.”
“ You don't need money,” he said. “I've been saving all year for this moment.”
She stopped him from running off, and asked, “Have you seen how much a dress at Dacy's costs?”
“ No, but it can't be more than the price of an etch board.”
“ A what? ”
“ Come on! I'll explain along the way.”
They raced out of the woods and down to where Jay lived. He raced up the stairs, into his room and pulled out his savings. He counted the notes quickly. $670. That was enough, he was sure. He raced back outside, grabbed Leaf's hand and together they walked quickly into town.
“ I've been saving all year for a new etch board for my art, but now I can see the real reason I was saving. I know it now. It was for you. For this very moment—and you're worth it. You're worth more than all the riches in the world.”
She clenched his hand tight and began to cry tears of joy. She felt like a little child again, full of hope and joy in her heart, with someone by her side who truly loved her.
They strolled up the street and stopped outside Dacy's.
“ I've never been inside,” Leaf said. “I walk past here all the time, just to remember my Nanna, but I've never gone inside myself.”
Jay pushed the door open, “There's a first time for everything.”