Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story
    “Sounds delicious.” He opened a cabinet.
    “It’s actually really good. I’ve had
    “You’re such a freak,” I said.
    Porsche gave me a dirty look and then she
glanced at her husband, who poured water into a glass. “We’re going
to town later. Wanna come?”
    “I can’t. I gotta clear the rest of the
    “Do you need anything?”
    “Just my girls to come home safe.” He
grinned, downing the contents in one gulp.
    “Ugh. You guys make me sick. Get a room.”
    “I gotta head out,” said Mike. He left the
glass in the sink.
    “See ya later,” said Porsche.
    “Drive safe. It’s slick out there.”
    “I will.”
    Daisy squealed, demanding more food. I sipped
coffee, feeling twinges of jealousy. His eyes gleamed with
affection when he looked at her. I wished someone would look at me
like that. I’d dated a string of losers this semester. Most guys
only wanted a one-night stand, and see ya. I’d lost my virginity
the first week at a frat party, and I regretted the incident
bitterly. The mere thought of it made me want to vomit.
    “You want some food?” asked Porsche. “We’ve
got cereal and stuff. I could make you eggs. It’s so nice not to be
in a cave right now.” She sat at the table, doling out a heaping
spoonful of Tutti Frutti . “Living with the tribe in winter
is hard. Sometimes I didn’t leave the cave for days. The
Sasquatches would have to dig us out.”
    “Sounds fascinating.”
    “You should meet them one day; you really
should. Then you’ll know what I’m talking about.”
    “Er…no thanks. I’ve met enough freaks at
school this semester.”
    “They’re not freaks. They’re actually more
civilized than some humans I know. They take care of their loved
    “Yeah, kidnapping and impregnating women is
really civilized.”
    “They have to do that to propagate the
species.” She looked thoughtful. “But there’s a female now. I don’t
know if they’ll kidnap women anymore.”
    The thought of a grizzly ape touching me was
disgusting. “I’d rather die than screw a monster. That’s totally
gross. Propagate the species, my ass. They’re perverts.”
    She shook her head. “It’s not like that.
They’re so sweet, Lena. Once you get to know them, they’ll do
anything for you. They’re just horny little bastards. They’re so
good at it.” She gazed out the window. “They sure know how to make
a girl happy.”
    “Oh, yuck! You’re totally brainwashed.”
    A mischievous grin lit her face. “You don’t
know what you’re missing.”
    “Ugh.” I scraped the chair on the wooden
floor, standing. “I’m getting in the shower.”
    “No breakfast?”
    “Not right now.”
    “You know where the kitchen is. Help
    The guest bedroom was large, with an
oversized bed. A hairy Bigfoot had slept in here before. It didn’t
smell bad at all. In the bathroom, a blue-eyed blonde stared at me
in a large mirror. Dark smudges were under my eyes. The late nights
and drinking had taken a toll on my looks. I ran fingers through my
hair, feeling tangles. The strands hung to my boobs, which were
generously rounded and full. Porsche and I had inherited my
grandmother’s breasts, which were the envy of every female family
member who was not as genetically blessed.
    Guys asked me out all the time, and I never
lacked for friends, having a posse of them in my vicinity at all
times. I was rarely alone. This vacation in the middle of nowhere
would give me time to think about things and what I wanted to do
with myself. If my grades didn’t improve, I would have to quit
school and get a job.
    Stripping out of my clothes, I turned on the
hot water in the granite-enclosed shower and stepped in. Two hours
later, we headed to town to go shopping.
    That week Mike brought home a live tree, and
Porsche and I put up the decorations. My parents were coming to
celebrate on Christmas Eve, and we would feast and open presents.
No one wanted to wake

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