Behind the Scenes: Book 0 (MC)

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Book: Behind the Scenes: Book 0 (MC) by L. Ann Marie Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. Ann Marie
you call me.”
    The bitch pulls in yelling. “My signal. You’re a good dad Danny. You’re raising him right.”
    He gets up and calls Rich down. “Axe is leaving little man.”
    I laugh, he comes running across the bridge missing every other plank. I walk to the porch steps and he jumps. Fuck. I catch him laughing. “So fuckin’’ cute.” He shows me my tags. I kiss them and put them back under his shirt. “Keep them close little man.” He kisses me and I set him down.
    Danny hugs me. Not one of his half hugs this time. “Take care Axe. Call if you need me.”
    I nod slapping his back and walk away knowing I won’t call and I won’t see them again. I ride the coast watching the lights play on the water. When my head is clear and all I see is my boy watching Rich run the bridge I head to the Club.
    I come in the back way and Knight sticks his head out his door. He throws me chin and goes back in. He must have a trip on it. In my room I get the books and instructions ready for Tiny. I put my cut over the money with papers on top then put a good lock on it. With the bag and note on top it’s ready.
    Time to find Tiny. He’s standing against the wall watching the Brothers. “Need to show you something.” He follows me back.
    “Something happens to me, I left instructions, it’s important.” I turn the shelf and the door opens to the safe room. “Trunk and books go in my truck to a Brother that got out. It’s one of those important things so make sure it happens right. You keep anything else you want but this goes to the address on the directions. Yeah?”
    He nods with tears in his eyes. “I won’t let you down.” He walks out.
    With nothing left to do I shower and lay across the bed picturing my boy smiling at Rich running across the bridge.

Chapter Nineteen
One week
    Shots wake me up. I pull on pants and grab my gun following the yelling to the common room. Less is being held back by JJ. He looks at me. “He talked to Caps about staying clean to ride and Caps shot two soldiers on his team. Said he’ll get a better take. Knight shot Caps and Less got pissed.” 
    I look at Less. “Why you pissed?” 
    He pushes JJ away. “Knight had no right to shoot him!” 
    “He just hit two clean soldiers.” I look at him; it’s something more. “That’s okay, but not Knight hitting him before he takes out more?”
    “Was aimin’ at Less,” Knight says. 
    Less gives him a look. “He wouldn’t have hit me he’s my wife’s nephew.” 
    Knight throws his hands up. “Watch the feeds. Walked in Caps shot a Brother. Less yelled. Caps pointed the gun at him. I shot him when he was set to fire.” 
    I look at Less. “Let’s go see the video.” 
    He follows me whining the whole way about Knight being trigger happy. I get Geek to show the area bigger and see Knight is right. “Knight saved your ass Less.” He pulls Geek’s barrel and pukes in it. Fuck. Geek doesn’t say a word. 
    “Fuckin’’ drugs had him Axe. I was just telling him to run clean so he could take care of his family.” 
    I’m surprised. “He’s got family?”
    He watches the video screen and I touch Geek’s shoulder to change it. He does without me having to say the words. “Got a girl and baby not even a year old.” 
    Fuck. “We’ll make it right with the girl.” 
    He shakes his head no. “She’s using too, we got the kid.” 
    “Jesus. Fuckin’’ drugs are just speeding up death. Why are so many people using?” JJ says from behind me. 
    Less throws him chin. They’re good. “I’ll let Pres know. Less let me or JJ know if you need anything.” 
    He nods walking the other way. “I will, thanks Axe.” 
    Geek goes to the door and calls for a Prospect. I’m smiling, he’s got some balls. “I need my barrel cleaned.” The Prospect gives him a look and pushes by. 
    “He’s patched in, since he is, you treat him with respect and maybe you’ll get patched in too.” JJ tells

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