Shielder — A new Science Fiction Romance (Book 1, Shielder Series)
Gingerly, she touched her swollen lips and smoothed her tunic. The
outline of puckered nipples assured him she had been just as
affected as he had.
    Even so, he couldn't allow this to happen
again. It would be unconscionable to take advantage of her
inexperience. Not only that, but he didn't want or need involvement
with anyone. All his energies were focused on one thing, and one
thing alone: revenge.
    Nessa drew a deep breath. "Your
    "Sabin and I frequently work together to
track down criminals."
    "Oh." She turned away, her body stiff.
    He thought he understood the sudden tension
radiating from her. Many people despised shadowers, or felt
immensely uncomfortable around them. Chase shrugged. He didn't care
what anyone thought. Emotions had no place in hunting blatant
murderers. He headed to the airlock to greet Sabin.
    * * * *
    Another Shielder!
    Awareness of a Shielder presence shot though
Nessa like a lightning bolt. She whirled to see a man stepping into
the cockpit, followed by Chase. His eyes, darker than a moonless
night, locked on her. His body stiffened with the innate
recognition all Shielders shared.
    He stared at her, his inscrutable gaze
skimming her. Panic slammed through her. She grabbed the control
panel for support. Oh, Spirit! This man could undo everything in a
single instant, simply by revealing her true identity. Once Chase
knew she was a Shielder, he'd turn her over to the Controllers for
the standard reward of five hundred miterons offered on every
    She battled for breath, trying to clear her
reeling mind. Chase's associate, a fellow shadower, was a
Shielder . The implications were horrifying. She gripped the
console until her knuckles were colorless. He must be one of a
number of Shielder traitors who found gold more alluring than the
preservation of their own people. Devil's spawn who routinely
hunted and turned in their own kind.
    She had to escape. She looked wildly around
the cockpit, although she knew there was only one exit. She reached
toward her boot for her dagger.
    "Nessa, are you all right?" Coming to her
side, Chase pulled her up and eased her rigid body into a seat.
"You look like you're about to have a seizure."
    Gasping, Nessa shot him a helpless look.
    "Well, what have we got here?" the devil's
spawn inquired, swaggering forward.
    She stared up at the man towering over her.
Half a head shorter than Chase, leaner and sleeker, he had the
build of a feline predator. His shoulder-length ebony hair was
drawn behind his neck and tied with a cord. Like Chase, he dressed
in solid black, from his flightsuit to a low-slung utility holster
displaying two guns, to his boots.
    She tried to bolt out of the seat, but Chase
pushed her back. "Stay there until you're not so shaky."
    "What's this about seizures? Who is this
woman?" the traitor persisted. He eyed her insultingly. "Or should
I say girl?"
    Chase straightened, watching Nessa with
concern. "She's a pilgrim on her way to the shrine of Shara on
Zirak. Her ship broke down in the tenth sector. I couldn't repair
it, so I'm giving her a ride to Intrepid."
    "Really? A pilgrim, you say? How
interesting." His eyes mocking, the traitor offered her his hand.
"What is your name, pilgrim ?"
    She shrank back, frantically praying for a
way out of this horrifying predicament.
    Chase gestured toward his associate. "Nessa,
this is Sabin Travers. He won't hurt you. You can answer him."
    "Yes, Nessa, I'm most anxious to find out
all about you."
    She ignored the demon, focusing on Chase.
"I'm tired. I want to go to my cabin."
    He studied her, a frown on his face.
"Perhaps a rest would be good. You're very pale." He slid his hand
beneath her elbow. "You're trembling."
    "Poor pilgrim ," Sabin goaded. "I
believe she's afraid of me."
    Nessa scrambled to her feet, breaking free
from Chase's hand and sidling around the two men. Refusing to look
at either of them, she ran from the cockpit. Once in her cabin, she
paced rapidly, rubbing

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