Death Mask
two here today to offer you the same type of partnership and career opportunity.”
    “Career opportunity?”
    “Yes,” Andrew said. “After your news conference concerning your work on with the Death Mask case I did some digging into both of your backgrounds. What I found was pretty impressive on both accounts; you’re both very good at what you do. You may also be interested to know that this same company−The Powers Group−is responsible for procuring the Death Mask from Mr. Gaines and can assure that it will remain sealed away in one of our secured vaults for eternity. It is company policy, that once we attain an artifact, such as the Death Mask, it will forever be in our possession and is to never to see the open market again. I know this may be surprising news, but your artifact is not the first, nor will it be the last, of its kind. In fact, we already have a vault full of them.”
    “That’s all very comforting,” Finn said. “And I’d like to see that vault one day, but if I could ask a simple question. All due respect intended, of course.”
    “What’s that, Mr. Winters?”
    “Why us?” Finn asked.
    “Each of you has experience and background in one or more of the necessary areas needed to be successful in this line of work. And, as a huge bonus, your chemistry, when working together as a team, is undeniable. Wouldn’t you agree?”
    “Not sure I know what to say,” Finn said.
    “I know this has to be a little overwhelming, but even so, I do have one more log to add to the fire. This opportunity I’m offering…needs a fairly swift decision.”
    “How swift?”
    “One week,” Andrew said.
    Finn turned and looked at Andria. “You haven’t said anything yet. What are you thinking?” he asked her.
    “The same thoughts as you−surprise and wonderment. I haven’t spoken up because I’m not sure what to say. This offer is the furthest thing from what I expected?”
    “Me too,’ Finn said. “There are a lot of variables to think about with making such a radical move.”
    “Does that mean you’ll consider it?” Andrew asked.
    “Not sure about her,” Finn said, tilting his head toward Andria. “But it sounds like an exciting opportunity to me.”
    “Hold on, Mr. Winters,” Andrew said, holding up his hand. “I’m not sure I’ve made myself clear. This offer is a package deal.”
    “Meaning what, exactly?” Finn asked.
    “Meaning we want you both, as a team, or not at all. It’s a package deal.”
    There was a long pause while the idea sank in.
    Andria finally spoke up to break the silence.
    “I’m flattered, Mr. Game, really I am, as I’m sure Finn is also,” Andria said. “But calling us a “team” is a bit of a stretch. We just met a little over a month ago…by accident. Who’s to say our success, or luck for that matter, wasn’t a fluke and will continue into the future. Admittedly, Finn and I do get along well and we did work well together on the Death Mask case, but the possibility of maintaining the same level of success seems a toss up at best to me.”
    “I’d have to second her hesitation as well,” Finn said.
    Andrew clasped his hands together and smiled. “I wouldn’t be so quick to sell yourselves short. After seeing you two together, first hand, and the way you compliment each other, I’d say your meeting each other was more of a happy accident of fate rather than random happenstance. The chemistry you two possess is a rare trait indeed. Hence, I’m confident your success was more than a fluke. Given the chance to prove it, I’d be willing to bet it would be more of a norm.”
    “That may be,” Finn said. “But…”
    “Tell you what. Let me go over a few more details of the job with you then you can go talk it over privately, during lunch. If you’re interested enough to consider it, come back and let me know. Then take all of next week to make your final decision. Fair enough?”
    “Yes, sir, Mr. Game. That sounds fair enough to me,”

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