times, especially in the middle of the night.
Rachel had finally recalled where she’d heard the name Anthony Bloom before. He was Guy Randall’s personal lawyer and had arranged the joint ownership deeds for the apartment she was living in right now. She also recalled that she had felt uneasy in his presence, his sly looks at her whilst Guy’s back was turned was just one reason, his clingy handshake was another. Nevertheless she would call him to find out what was going on for herself.
He told Rachel about Brad Stone’s wrongful arrest and that he was in New York to attend Guy Randall’s funeral. She feigned surprise at that news but was surprised to hear about the funeral.
‘When is it?’ she asked.
‘The funeral? In just over an hour at Cypress Hills Cemetery.’
‘Will he be there?’
‘Who Brad Stone you mean? Yes. He’s a guest of Mrs. Randall. You can understand after the events in the Caribbean a short while ago.’
Again she injected just the right amount of empathy into her voice to convince Bloom of her concern. ‘Yes, yes of course.’
Bloom couldn’t let this opportunity pass him by, when he’d first met Rachel Parker he was overwhelmed with her beauty. Now that Guy was no longer around he thought he’d try his luck.
‘Rachel, could we do dinner some evening, how about this Saturday?’
Rachel was taken aback, this time the surprise was real. She stalled him but kept the option open; she thought his contacts and talents could come in useful. She also never let an opportunity pass her by.
As soon as the call with Bloom ended Rachel called Shadow and told him to get over to her apartment saying, ‘They had a funeral to go to.’
He luck was in, he was in the Manhattan area, and said he’d be over in fifteen minutes.
Chapter 16
Stone was at the hotel and had just shaved and showered away two days of journey and overnight jail cell when reception called his room to let him know that Mac had arrived. Mac’s room was on another floor and he left a message for Stone to meet him down in the bar in thirty minutes before heading off to the funeral.
They had a lot to talk about.
After a steaming hot shower Stone was glad that he’d packed some winter clothes before he left Trinidad. He also unpacked a suit and sent it down to the laundry to be freshened up and steam pressed. Thirty minutes later he met up with Mac as planned. Mac was already at the bar when Stone crossed the lobby he saw him and they both ordered a scotch to loosen up. Mac preferred to call it a ‘stiffener’.
Loose or stiff, either way they needed something to fortify them against the December chill.
‘Mac. Good to see you buddy, seems like the forces of evil have followed me here, can you believe it?’
‘Well there’s no prize for guessing who’s behind it all. She had her brother falsify the fax on the very day you were leaving so she must have known your movements and she has to have someone pulling strings here as well. It’s not over mate, not by a long way.’
‘Tell me about it,’ said Stone. ‘What did the Chief say?’
‘He was furious, he gave me all the evidence he had on Shadow and arranged for me to bring it up here, he couldn’t have been more helpful.’
‘Guy’s like Shadow always manage to keep their noses clean, they’re masters at it, he was probably wearing gloves, sides you don’t have a gun.’
‘Yes we do,’ said Mac with a wry smile.
‘What? How’d you get that?’
‘The Chief gave me an officer and we went up to the Royal, figured he’d had to have dropped it when he was making his escape in the roof space. We searched and searched and Kahn poked around and saw the gun under an AC duct.’
‘So can we put Shadow with the gun?’
‘We have a partial print on the gun and prints lifted from his hotel room. The chief explained that it’s probably not enough on its own, he sent up a request here in NY to get a set of prints for Loman, he’s sure
Arne Dahl, Tiina Nunnally