Artistic Vision

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Book: Artistic Vision by Dana Marie Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Marie Bell
own. “She knew, Da. She knew when she met him what would happen and loved him anyway.”
    “There’s strength in that.”
    “Aye. And she’s done her best for Akane since, but even the Seer can’t see into her heart.”
    “Can you?”
    He sighed. “I’m trying.”
    “Perhaps you see her better than most.”
    Shane was pleased that he didn’t jump. He was equally pleased that his father did. It served him right after the discomfort of their previous discussion.  
    Only Robin Goodfellow could sneak up on a leprechaun on his own land. The bond between a leprechaun and the land he laid claim to was incredibly strong. Sean could sense every single person on it, hear whispers a mile away, open holes in the ground barely a pin wide that went all the way to the core of the earth. It took a minor deity to sneak up on him on a bad day.  
    Robin did it without even trying.
    “Good day, Robin.”
    The redheaded menace stepped into the tack room wearing the gaudiest western shirt Shane had ever seen. If he stepped into any straight bar in Nebraska every redneck for miles would try and kick his ass for that shirt alone. Add in the super tight jeans, the shiny alligator boots and the black cowboy hat with the purple-checked bandana for a band, and you had one fey-looking fae. “And good day to you, Shane Dunne.” Robin leaned against the door jamb, his arms crossed, one toe digging into the scratched wooden floor. “Akane giving you fits?”
    Shane eyed the Hob’s outfit. “Is this your way of telling me I should giddy-up?”
    Robin grinned and pulled something out of thin air. The silver and gold object glittered in the light, the intricate lines and swirls etched in it as familiar as Shane’s own skin. “I think you understand her quite well.”
    “I didn’t get a chance to give that to her last night.”
    “Does she know what the prize inside is?”
    “No, and I’m not planning on telling her either.” He grinned. “That’s half the fun, isn’t it?”
    Robin laughed easily and tossed the puzzle box to him. Shane caught it easily. “She’s meeting Tristan Malmayne for dinner tonight.” He held up his hand at Shane’s rumble of discontent. “Let it go. Trust her, if not me. No harm shall come to your mate this eve.”
    Shane ran his hands through his hair. It would be hard to stay away from her knowing she was with another man. A man who’d touched her skin, embraced her warm body. “I’ll do my best.”
    “Good. Because this is part of who she is, and if you try to take that from her, your little bird will fly away.”
    Leaving Shane to rot in the grief of mate sickness. “I understand.” He darted a glance at his silent father before turning his attention back to Robin. “Did you see it?”
    That eerie flash of green erupted from Robin’s eyes. “Yes.”
    “Did you understand it?”
    Robin grinned, and Shane shivered. “ Yes .”
    The purring anticipation in Robin’s voice warned him to keep any misgivings to himself.  
    “You’ve had a vision?”
    Shane turned to his father, nothing but acceptance on the other man’s face. “Aye.”
    Sean nodded once and turned to the Hob. “You’ve helped our family after the debt was paid. If you need us, call.”
    The Hob’s eyes went wide and dark, the awful, yawning emptiness Shane had seen in him lightening just a hair. “Thank you, Sean Dunne of Clan Blackthorn.”
    Somehow, that thanks sounded more like a vow.
    Shane had never been prouder of his father.  
    Robin’s attention turned once more to Shane, that wicked grin once more on his lips, the moment lost forever. “Well? What are you going to do about Akane? Hmm?”
    Shane snatched Robin’s hat and plunked it on his own head. “Giddy-up.” He tossed the puzzle box back to Robin, winking at his father while Robin’s laughter filled the barn.


Chapter Four
    Akane sat in the restaurant and waited for her date to show up. She’d texted Shane a message letting him know she’d

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