Winter's Tale
climbing onto him.
    “Hans, we don’t have time for that.”
    The night seemed to gather closer, as if Hans
were calling every scrap of magic in it to him. The sound of stone
grating across stone stood her hair on end. The left leg of his
statue shifted six inches in one lurch, planting his bare foot in a
wider stance on the pedestal. Though she had faith he was in there,
the movement stunned her formerly solid sense of reality.
    “You’re damaged,” she said breathily. “I
don’t know if you can tell, but your statue’s right leg is cracked.
I don’t want to put stress on it.”
    This time she saw an image of a princess
throwing a snakeskin onto a fire.
    “I have no idea what that means,” she said in
    December Worth , came his voice in her
mind. I call you to desire me .
    A wall of excitation crashed over her, like
she’d stepped under the Niagara Falls of arousal. She whimpered at
the strength of it, at the ache that expanded through her pussy. It
was all she could do not to grab her crotch and rub. Hard up didn’t cover it. This was the longing he felt, a craving to
come so huge no one could have withstood it.
    A man who’d been waiting as long as he had
couldn’t be satisfied by a dream.
    More than a little sympathetic to his
condition, December threw off her top and shoved down her pajama
pants, stepping out of them underwear and all. Naked but not
feeling cold, her clit throbbed like a maraca, arousal trickling
without stopping along her inner thigh. Unable to help herself, she
pushed both palms up and over her pain-tipped breasts.
    If he could see her, he was getting an
    “You better be right about this,” she gasped
as she stepped jerkily to him.
    His statue form didn’t move a second time.
Maybe he’d shifted all he could when he braced his foot wider. The
straddle certain showed off his equipment. His erection thrust like
a spear from its pretty bush of marble curls. Being that hard and
stretched looked painful, but sliding over him would be heaven for
her right now. She caressed his length even as she climbed him,
surprised again that he wasn’t icy but only cool.
    “I love you,” she said. The words sounded
strange, like they didn’t quite fit her mouth. She realized she
hadn’t said them to a man before. She told herself she wasn’t
rushing this as she eased herself down him.
    That drove everything from her thoughts but
him. She groaned with pleasure, the coolness of his long hard cock
almost too welcome to her fire. The smooth head forged inward,
deliciously spreading her. Once she’d engulfed it, she couldn’t
wait. She had to start grinding her pussy on him immediately.
Though she tried to be gentle, it was impossible.
    Clutching his literally rock-hard shoulders,
she rolled her hips up and down. For the first time in a long time,
she wished she were a two-ounce sprite like Brianne or Nina. Moving
her weight this urgently on him couldn’t be helpful.
    You’re perfect , said his voice in her
head. He sounded like he was smiling, his tone conveying a warmth
she hadn’t thought anyone would feel for her. Affection colored the
words, and amusement, and plain male lust all rolled together.
    She curled her body closer, her hot cheek
against his cool one. Feeling this connected to a person who
couldn’t even hold her was ridiculous. But she held him for both of
them, her arms wrapped up his shoulder blades from behind. Part of
him wasn’t inanimate. His cock stretched inside her, quivering with
need. She gave him all she dared, squeezing him with her inner
muscles as she rocked in quick motions.
    She was near to coming, and he wanted to go
with her—needed to, she sensed. His desperation was as clear as her
own passion. If he didn’t come, their chance would be lost. She’d
be alone out here and . . . She lost the thread of his thoughts but
not her understanding of how crucial this was to him. Overcome with
his desire and hers, she rubbed her breasts against

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