A Change of Pace

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Book: A Change of Pace by JM Cartwright Read Free Book Online
Authors: JM Cartwright
Tags: gay romance
clubhouse. It looked like there were some of the same details here. He walked around the corner and noticed rows of black fencing and paddocks, some with horses inside. Ridge had lived his entire life in the Asheville area, and he’d never been around a stable. He knew there were some of the horsey set around, but he’d just never had the opportunity to visit anyone who actually owned a horse. The stable was a strange place, with gorgeous creatures all around.
    He heard a horse neighing and turned his head to follow the sound. Speak of the devil -- times two. His breath caught as he spied Drew walking next to a huge black horse. Drew had a lead rope and was walking the big animal around the large open area down at the other end of the barn.
    Ridge started walking toward him, dragging his feet a little, unsure of himself around these large animals. Maybe he’d better keep out of the way. Shoving his hands in his jeans pockets, he hunched over a little as he moved forward.
    Drew turned at the far end of the barn and headed back along the building. The horse followed alongside, its head nudging the big man as they walked. Drew spotted Ridge leaning against the barn building, and a big smile lit his face.
    Ridge found himself responding helplessly -- he had a feeling this man didn’t smile that often.
    “Hey! Come and meet Bella. Isn’t she gorgeous?” Drew stopped walking and turned his face up to the horse, whose nose came down to rub against his cheek.
    Ridge thought the moment was beautiful -- they were a pair, the huge black horse and the big muscular man, nuzzling each other.
    Drew chuckled at the horsey kiss and turned his head. The turquoise gaze did a quick down-and-up, stopping for a brief second at Ridge’s crotch.
    Ridge felt his cock twitch at the look.
    Just then, Bella nudged Drew with her head, demanding his attention, clearly sensing she was no longer the center of his universe. Snorting in acknowledgment, Drew turned back to her. “Okay, okay, already. I’m right here, baby girl.”
    Hearing Drew refer to the giant animal as “baby girl” made Ridge smile. “You’re kidding, right? Isn’t she a little big to be called ‘baby girl’?” He halted a few steps away, not wanting to get anywhere near those huge feet. Good God, the horse was way taller than Drew -- her majestic head topped his lover’s by half a foot, at least.
    “Nah, she’s my baby girl, all right. She’s only five.” Drew just then noticed Ridge hanging back. “Come on, sweetheart. She won’t hurt you.” He gestured with his free arm, holding out a hand in encouragement.
    Ridge sidled over slowly, nervously eyeing the big dark eyes that watched him. Smiling, Drew pulled Ridge close, then raised their joined hands to Bella’s nose. “Let her smell you so she can get to know you. Say hi to her.”
    Ridge felt the velvety softness of Bella’s nose against his fingers; her soft breath blew over his skin as she scented him. He’d never felt anything quite so soft and silky -- well, except maybe the skin of Drew’s cock, he thought with an inward grin. “Hey, girl,” he said softly.
    She really was beautiful, he acknowledged. Her eyes had long lashes, and were exotically slanted. Her ears were swiveling as he petted her, and he thought she must be listening to everything around them. Then Bella tossed her head and he jumped, nestling closer to Drew.
    Drew hugged Ridge’s body close to his, his hand sliding for a moment down to Ridge’s ass. “Easy, there, she’s just getting rid of flies. She won’t hurt you.” He turned to start walking again, leading Bella with his right hand and motioning with his left. “Come on, walk with us. She still needs to stretch her legs a bit after that long ride.”
    They walked with Bella for about a half-hour, taking her around the strange stable, letting her get used to the new sounds and smells. Ridge received a short primer about horses, the care and stabling of the big animals,

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