Billion Dollar Surprise: A Billionaire Romance

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Book: Billion Dollar Surprise: A Billionaire Romance by Emilia Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilia Green
make a fool of herself.  
    The next morning she woke up before her alarm went off, she thought about trying to get back to sleep, but her thoughts were racing and she knew she didn't have a chance. She got up and made herself some coffee.  
    She had a couple of hours yet, before she needed to set off and she decided to use them wisely. Kylie wasn't a typical girly girl, but she liked to look presentable and she wanted to make sure that she made a good impression on her first day.  
    She drank her coffee quickly and pulled out the huge suitcase which she kept under her bed. The didn't have the money for furniture yet, so both she and Felix where still living out of the suitcases.  
    She unzipped the case and looked inside, rummaging through her clothes until her hands found the cool feel of plastic. She tugged at it and pulled out her makeup bag. She would do her makeup first, then her hair and after that she would get dressed. She had bought a pantsuit, especially for the job and she had hung it over the bathroom door, as to avoid getting it wrinkled.  
    The bathroom was tiny, it had a shower cubicle, a toilet and a sink with a mirror hung over it. If you stood in the middle of the room you could reach everything there was, but again Kylie didn't mind the pokey little room, because it was hers and that's what mattered.  
    She looked at herself in the mirror. Her dark brown curly hair was a mess and her pale skin looked tired and almost translucent in the lighting. She shook her head and was thankful that she had woken up so early. She would need the extra time to sort herself out.  
    Once she was certain her appearance was up to standards, she walked back out of the bathroom and was met with a wolf whistle.  
    "Looking fine there girl!" Felix said, putting on his best camp voice.  
    "Thanks" Kylie said laughing at him.
      Felix always knew exactly the right thing to say and when to say it. That was one of the things she loved about him, he was this outgoing, crazy dude but he had a heart of gold and he really loved and looked out for her.  
    "Are you doing anything today?" Kylie asked, as she walked across the room and sat down on her bed, to put on her shoes.  
    "Well, I'm having a lunch date with the best looking woman in New York." Felix said, grinning.  
    "Oh yeah, replaced me already, huh?" Kylie asked sarcastically, knowing that he had meant her.  
    "Oh yeah, she's ten times the woman you'll ever be." Felix said with a mocked serious face. Kylie rolled her eyes and stood up.  
    "So you really think I look okay?" She said, turning around on the spot.  
    "Better than okay Kylie. You look hot." Felix said.  
    Kylie laughed and gave him a hug.
    "Thanks. I couldn't have done all this without you." She told him.
    Felix made a joke about making Christopher fall in love with her so they could get a bigger place with his fortune, Kylie looked at her watch and realised that it was time to get going. She hugged Felix goodbye and heard him wish her luck as she closed the door behind her.

    When she arrived at the tall building that she would now be calling work, she tried to push back her nerves. She wasn't sure what to expect from her new job, but she knew that it was the next stepping stone in achieving her dreams and making it in the big city on her own.  
    As she walked through the lobby, she paused for a moment staring at the bluebonnets, which had calmed her nerves the day before. She wondered briefly about who had chosen them and why, but as she rode the lift up to the very top floor those thoughts were pushed out, as she prepared herself for what was up ahead.  
    As the doors of the lift opened up and revealed the top floor, Kylie found her breath caught in her throat. The walls were floor to ceiling windows in which you could look out over the entire city. It was a bright Summer day and although the towering buildings had made the streets she had walked earlier that morning shaded, the whole floor was

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