Ophelia Adrift

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Book: Ophelia Adrift by Helen Goltz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Goltz
just a myth,” Harry shrugged, “an old wives’ tale as Mum calls it.”
    “But it scares Adam enough that he won’t test it?” I asked.
    No-one answered.
    “I wonder if that’s why his parents move all the time? Not tempting fate maybe,” Peggy said.
    “What if he’s out after midnight and goes nowhere near the ocean?” I asked.
    Holly looked around. “Nearly everywhere around here is near the ocean. If you want my advice, just don’t agree to any midnight beach walks with him!”
    I couldn’t concentrate all afternoon in class, I had to see Adam. I hoped he was okay. Luckily Peggy and I had history for the last two classes and we could use the time for our projects since my concentration was shot. I hit the library to begin my shipwreck research for the history project. I went online, gathered all I could on the shipwreck history of the area, the shipwreck trail and some reference points where I could look at original news clippings.
    I felt his presence before I saw him; Chayse Johann dropped down into the seat next to me. He glowed with strength, like he stored the sun when surfing.
    “Ophelia,” he smiled.
    “Hi Chayse,” I looked around, he was alone. “No harem?”
    He grinned and had the good grace to look a bit embarrassed. “They’re my friends actually.”
    “Oh, sorry, my mistake,” I teased him. I studied his face. Adam did land a few blows—Chayse was bruised above his eye and his nose was swollen slightly. There was a cut on his left cheek.
    “What happened to you?” I asked, knowing full well.
    He reached up and touched the bruise above his eye. “Ah, nothing, just a friendly fight.”
    I nodded. “Does it hurt?”
    He shrugged. “A little. But he’s hurting more,” he smiled.
    “Poor guy.”
    Chayse realised he was losing out on the sympathy.
    “Oh don’t worry, he held his own. Got me a good one in the ribs,” he rubbed them. “Couldn’t breathe for a moment there.”
    I sat back and turned slightly to face him. He was gorgeous, I could see why Holly got tongue-tied around him. I bet he’d had a charmed life so far.
    “Can you tell me your shipwreck story, if you have time now?” I asked.
    “Now? Sure,” he leaned back and flashed a smile at me. “Once upon a time on a dark and stormy night ...”
    I laughed. “Can I have the real version, not the fairytale?”
    “Oh, right, the real version, okay,” he pulled his chair closer to mine. I hoped his girlfriend didn’t come by now, I would be on the death watch list. I leaned back away from him and he got the hint and backed off a bit.
    “The year was 1905 and my great, great, great grandfather, Pierre, that’s three greats right?” he asked.
    “Three greats, I’m paying attention,” I said. “Pierre, huh?”
    “Yes, Pierre,” he said with a French accent and rewarded me with his smile again and carried on. “He was on a ship called La Bella. It had been in New Zealand where it was loaded up with timber. It was coming into Warrnambool which is dangerous at the best of times, but in 1905 with less technology to guide you, it was notorious. The seas were really heavy and there was the usual mist, you’ve seen it?”
    “Thick as soup sometimes,” I agreed.
    “Imagine sailing blind in that?” Chayse shook his head. He was more interesting when he got over himself and was just real. “The captain got confused and the La Bella ran aground. It’s called La Bella Reef now, the area where it ran aground. I’ll show you some time if you like.”
    “Sure,” I said, keeping it short. I didn’t want to interrupt the story.
    “Anyway, the Warrnambool Harbour Master, his name was Captain Roe, seeing the La Bella was in distress, grabbed four lifesavers and they rowed out to help but they couldn’t get near her because the waves were too huge. The La Bella crew lashed themselves to the port rails waiting for the lifeboat and hoping they wouldn’t get washed out to sea.”
    Goosebumps raced up

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