Kingdom Come

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Book: Kingdom Come by Kathryn Le Veque Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Le Veque
giggle, laying her cheek back against his tunic. “That brings about another issue,” she said. “If I know my history about this era, and I do, if a woman traveled with a man and was not his wife, then she was considered a whore. What are we going to do about that?”
    “I told you,” he said evenly. “You are to be my wife.”
    She fought off a smile. “Not until you properly ask for my hand.”
    He pursed his lips. “I cannot properly ask for your hand, as I do not know your father. That means that the decision is up to another male relative.”
    “I don’t have any.”
    “You have an uncle, do you not? Is he not part of the university you are indebted to?
    “I’m not indebted to the university; I work for it,” she informed him what he already knew, although his mindset was still late twelfth century and a working woman was completely foreign to him. “And yes, he’s the Dean of the Archaeology and Anthropology department, but you don’t need to ask him. You need to ask me .”
    He shook his head. “Your culture is indeed bizarre,” he snorted. “So I assume I must propose marriage to you directly, then.”
    “What if I refuse?”
    “Then I will sell you to a passing caravan as a slave and they can deal with your insolence.”
    “Seriously? Those are my choices?”
    “Make your decision. If you do not want to marry me, then there are a host of other women who will gladly accept the honor.”
    “Other women?” she grabbed him by both arms and shook him playfully, although she wasn’t able to do much considering how big he was. “What other women?”
    Now he was the one fighting off a grin. “Many, many others,” he said vaguely. “Too many to count. What is your decision?”
    “I’ve decided to punch you right in the nose, buster.”
    His laughter broke through and he slapped his visor down. “You cannot reach it,” he said. “Will you not at least consider my proposal?”
    “Is that the best you can do? Really, Kieran? Your best effort at proposing to the woman you love?”
    “Considering you come with no property, wealth or titles, you should feel fortunate that I have proposed at all.”
    “You conceited ape,” she snorted, slapping him lightly on the shoulder. But then she wrapped her arms around his waist again and squeezed. “But I love you anyway.”
    He laughed low, lifting one of her hands and kissing it. “Then you have decided to marry me?”
    “I have.”
    He kissed her hand again and put it back around his waist.  “I am glad.”
    He had slowed the horse to a trot by this time, feeling comfortable enough to ease their pace. They were out of the city and heading southeast to Richard’s massive encampment and his mind began to whirl with what was to come.  Richard would undoubtedly believe him when he told him of Simon’s treachery; of that he was positive.  More than that, he had within his possession the Muslim offering of peace; the crown of thorns that Jesus Christ wore when he was crucified. In spite of Simon’s attempts to murder him, and one attempt that very nearly succeeded, he had it with him and was preparing to deliver it to the king. The mission, as he saw it, was near completion and the thought was somewhat overwhelming. 
    Rory’s thoughts were also somewhat overwhelming and had been since she had awakened on the beach.  Only now, she was growing accustomed to the miracle she found herself a part of. Off in the distance, dogs howled and Rory gazed off towards the dark and lonely desert as if to see the night creatures. There wasn’t any Department of Land Management out here to keep the wolves at bay. They were wild and they were deadly. She would be glad when the reached the English encampment.
    She lay her cheek against his back again, her mind wandering as the big, mean horse trotted along the road. It was rather rolling trot, not uncomfortable in the least, and eventually she drifted off to sleep.
    Kieran felt her go limp against him and held

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