The Darkness Within

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Book: The Darkness Within by Taylor Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taylor Henderson
    Before they disconnected the call, I yelled, “Wait,” and grabbed the phone from Adrianna’s hand. “Are you still there?” I asked.
    “Yes, I’m still on the line.”
    I breathed a sigh of relief. “I thought it would be necessary to mention that one night I saw David, my neighbor, dragging a struggling girl into his house.”
    The line was silent for a moment, and I heard more typing. “Can you describe the situation you saw?”
    I nodded despite knowing she couldn’t see me. I replayed the events of that night in my head and told her everything, from waking up to the scream to seeing him pulling her inside. When I finished, I was breathless. I hadn’t realized how quickly I was speaking.
    Afterwards, the woman asked for David’s address. “Thank you for the information. An officer will be there to investigate the scene soon. It’s a high priority call, so there will be lights and sirens. Don’t be alarmed.”
    “Are they going to search his house?” Adrianna asked. Her eyes were wide with fright.
    “It depends on what the officer sees and hears that will determine their next course of action. If nothing is found, then they cannot proceed, but if evidence that a crime has been committed is present then they will take action.” There was more tapping as she typed. “Thank you for your call, Miss Anderson. An officer will be there soon.”
    “Thank you,” I replied before disconnecting the call.
    “Wow,” Adrianna sighed. “I can’t believe an officer is coming to investigate his house.”
    “I know,” I murmured. Suddenly, a thought hit me. If David was home he would find out I called the police on him. I knew the officer wouldn’t disclose who had called him in, but David wouldn’t suspect anyone but me. I jumped to my feet; hurrying over to my window to check and make sure that David wasn’t home. To my relief, his car was gone. I just hoped it stayed gone.
    “What?” Adrianna asked, joining me by the window.
    I shook my head, physically trying to shake off my nerves. “Nothing. I was just making sure David wasn’t home.”
    I perched on one side of the window ledge and Adrianna perched on the other. We talked about whether we thought the officer would find anything or not. It wasn’t long until the sound of sirens flooded the street and a police car pulled into David’s driveway. We watched, enamored as the officer walked up to the front porch. He was examining everything in sight and he kept his hand on the gun in his holster the entire time he walked around the perimeter of David’s house. He looked at everything, swiping his fingers across the banister, and examining the back door and the ground where I saw everything happen. When he finished, he stalked back to his car, climbed behind the wheel, and turned the sirens off.
    If I leaned over far enough, I could see that some of my neighbors were watching him. They were probably wondering what was going on and why there was a police cruiser parked in front of the new guy’s house. Finally, after sitting in his car for a few minutes doing God knows what, the police cruiser began to back out of the driveway and drive off down the street. My heart was hammering in my chest the entire time, fearing David would come home and discover one of his neighbors had reported a strange incident. He would have known immediately that it was me. I knew he would find out that the police were at his house, but I was hoping he wouldn’t find out why.
    “Earth to Claire,” Adrianna said, waving her hand in front of my eyes. “You really checked out, didn’t you?”
    “Huh?” I questioned, swiping my hair off my face. “Did you say something?”
    She nodded in response to my question. “I said he didn’t find anything. There must not have been any evidence of foul play.”
    I frowned. It couldn’t be that black and white. I know what I saw and I know how strangely David acts. There’s something going on and I proved that to myself

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