The Miracles of Prato

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Book: The Miracles of Prato by Laurie Albanese Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Albanese
famed Medici, the powerful Milanese Sforza family, and the lauded saints whose likenesses graced the churches of the land, Prioress Bartolommea de’ Bovacchiesi’s face would be painted and preserved for posterity, her special intimacy with the realm of the blessed on display for all to see and her entry into heaven virtually assured by this single indulgence.
    â€œI’m sure you’ve thought this over with great deliberation and consulted the heavens for guidance,” Sister Camilla said gingerly. “Lucrezia is under the guidance of good Sister Pureza, who will see to it that she doesn’t neglect her duties or her obligations as novitiate.”
    â€œIndeed, Sister Camilla, I’ve done well, don’t you agree?” The prioress nodded in great satisfaction. “Lucrezia will go to the painter’s workshop only on Tuesdays and Thursdays after Sext, returning before Vespers. She’ll be accompanied by a chaperone and will always bring a book of prayer and the Rule of the Order to study and meditate upon during her sitting. I’ve thought this all out carefully. The words of Saint Augustine will help the novitiate remain in the cloister in mind and spirit, if not in body.”
    Sister Camilla nodded.
    â€œHow long will this take?” the secretary asked weakly.
    â€œWe’ll have the blessed relic here only until the Festival of theHoly Belt. You see, in a way, the treasure of the Holy Mother is put in our protection as a matter of exchange. The belt here, and Sister Lucrezia at the painter’s bottega . Nothing at all can befall us,” she said again.
    â€œYes,” Sister Camilla said, again lifting her cup. “Nothing at all can befall us.”
    â€œI’ve decided that you will be the girl’s chaperone, Sister Camilla.”
    Sister Camilla furrowed her brows and sputtered, but the prioress held up her hand demurely.
    â€œThere’s no need to thank me, Sister, truly,” Mother Bartolommea said, lowering her eyes and achieving what she felt was the proper tone of modesty, at last.

Chapter Seven
    Tuesday of the Eleventh Week After Pentecost, the Year of Our Lord 1456
    A uniformed Medici messenger entered the convent courtyard on Tuesday as the sisters were finishing Sext prayers. Prioress Bartolommea quickly closed her prayer book and rushed outside. The messenger bowed, his silver sword glinting in the sun.
    â€œGood afternoon, Prioress. I have been sent on the orders of Ser Francesco Cantansanti, emissary to the great Cosimo de’ Medici.”
    â€œYes,” the prioress responded somberly. “We’ve been awaiting your arrival.”
    Feeling the stable boy’s gaze, Mother Bartolommea turned and gave him a sharp look. He quickly resumed brushing a horse’s tail.
    â€œPerhaps you have something to deliver to me?” she asked with extreme delicacy.
    The messenger withdrew a velvet pouch from his pocket, and handed it to her.
    â€œI beg your patience while the sisters ready themselves for the journey,” she said, slipping the pouch under her sleeve before turning to signal Sister Pureza.
    At the sign from her superior, Sister Pureza helped the novitiates make their final preparations for the day outside the convent wall. Leading Lucrezia and Spinetta to the vestry, she gave each a coarseblack mantello with a hood that covered their heads. Into Lucrezia’s hands Sister Pureza thrust a worn breviary and a copy of the Rule of the Order, written in plain black script. Spinetta received a roll of blank parchment, upon which she would copy the Rule with ink from the stores in Fra Filippo’s bottega .
    â€œYou must always be on guard when you are outside our walls,” Sister Pureza said sternly to Lucrezia. She had expressed her objection to the outing, but had been unable to stop it. “Honor is our duty above all else. If you have a face the painter wishes to copy, then that face has come from

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