Bearing Up In Wolf Rock (A BBW Bear Shifter Romance) (Wolf Rock Shifters)

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Book: Bearing Up In Wolf Rock (A BBW Bear Shifter Romance) (Wolf Rock Shifters) by Carina Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carina Wilder
sleek and muscular.
    “So,” said Kyla as she eyed the woods around them, “I think we should head east. I lost his scent this morning but maybe we can pick it up. I suspect that he shifted along the way, and the bear will be easier to seek out than the man, not to mention that his trail will be more obvious.”
    “I smell something,” said Jay.
    “Oh? You think you know where he went?”
    “No. But I smell that some little she-wolf got good and fucked last night.”
    Kyla slapped his arm.
    “Watch it, buddy. I’m sensitive right now. The bastard used my body. And I didn’t get fucked. Not exactly.”
    “Even if he did, and even if you didn’t, all I have to say is well fucking done. I wouldn’t mind being used by that gorgeous piece of manbear.”
    Kyla smiled. Fair enough; she’d wanted Maddox from the second she’d laid eyes on him. She was as guilty as he was of lust and giving in when she shouldn’t.
    “Okay, enough sex talk. Let’s get moving,” she said.
    The wolves ran in tandem through the forest, Jay’s dark fur in stark contrast to Kyla’s blond wolf. Their large paws barely made a sound as they propelled their giant forms forward.
    It was only a few minutes before Jay stopped, sniffed the air and turned his muzzle north-east as if in indication that he’d picked up the trail.
    They began to sprint now, hopeful that their hunt at least would end well. Their path was largely uphill and Kyla knew that they were making their way up one of the area’s mountains. This meant that at some point the treeline would thin and they would be exposed to the elements and, more importantly, to Maddox’s eyes. But by the same token he would be highly visible, his dark form against grey rock.
    Where was he going? Kyla couldn’t figure out what his plan was, but she intended to find out.
    It wasn’t long before the dense wood thinned to scattered pine trees and then they were in the open.
    Kyla scanned the horizon for signs of Maddox, either the man or the bear, and then she saw him: the large, lumbering grizzly ahead, making his way up the mountain.
    The wolves began to sprint again and as they drew close to Maddox, he turned to them.
    He smelled the air. Kyla k new that he’d figure out immediately what was happening. The question was, what would he do? This could end in a physical confrontation and she wasn’t sure that she and Jay could take the enormous bear down, even with all their strength. But seeing him brought back a memory of waking and finding him gone, and she found herself leaning back on her paws, the hair on her back bristling as her spine arched upwards.
    She let out a low growl.
    The bear looked at her and cocked his head, as Maddox the man had done the previous night. This infuriated Kyla.
    She lunged at him.
    As she did so, Maddox shifted, and his body took the brunt of the blow as she came crashing sidelong into him. Kyla’s twisted wolf body, trying to avoid injuring the man, who was more fragile than a bear, sent them both plummeting towards the ground.
    As she rose, Maddox under her, s he took advantage of the situation and pinned him down with her front paws, growling over him.
    “Jesus,” he said. “I’ve heard of the evil eye, but never has a woman—or wolf—looked at a man with so much animosity as you’re doing.”
    Jay shifted then, removing the strap that secured his bag of supplies in place. He pulled on a pair of pants for the sake of decency and walked towards the man and wolf who were locked in a silent staring contest.
    “Hey, Maddox,” he said almost casually.
    The barrel-chested man who was still submitting to the wolf on top of him turned his head and smiled.
    “Hey, Jay.”
    “I hear you partied with my friend here last night.”
    “Little bit. But I don’t kiss and tell.”
    “She doesn’t either, but I did gather that you left without a good-bye kiss to tell about.”
    “Is that what this is about?” He looked into Kyla’s face again. Her upper

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