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Book: Quintspinner by Dianne Greenlay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne Greenlay
… the Crone,” Tess ventured to say, hoping that such a detail would be in their favor. It was not.
    “The Crone?” he roared and sprang up from his chair. “A filthy old woman idolized by the superstitious peasants?”
    “She’s not filthy!” Tess shouted back “She was a Spinner! She had the ring! And she knew things! And–,” her voice close to breaking, she fought to control the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes, “–and those things got her killed! By someone connected to the Prince of Wales!”
    Her father’s eyes widened in disbelief. Tess continued on, her words tumbling out in a jumbled recount of the afternoon’s attack on the Crone, and of their counterattack on the Crone’s two assailants. Dr. Willoughby sunk back down into his chair, speechless.
    “So we came directly back here. And we’re sorry. We didn’t mean to cause you any worry. And we thought that you might call the sheriff to report her murder,” Tess finished.
    Her father stared intently at them, his nostrils flaring and his cheeks flushing with color. He looked from girl to girl before speaking.
    “How dare you!” Each word was weighted and delivered with controlled anger. “I cannot believe what I am hearing!”
    “But Father! We only meant to go to the market–”
    “It is quite one thing to fabricate such a story to hide your impetuous behaviors, no doubt an attempt to cover up some illicit meeting with unsuitable and unsavory young men, but to go so far as to implicate the entourage of the Prince of Wales … well, I am stunned and shamed beyond words!”
    “But Father!”
    “Do not disrespect me any further with your lies and embellishments!” he shouted, slamming his fist down on the desk. “I will not have it! Do you hear me? As of this moment, you are both confined to your room until I say otherwise.” He paused and stared at them both before continuing. “I have just come to an immediate decision, spurred on in no small part by your actions this afternoon and your mendacious behavior just now.” His mouth pulled down at the corners, his lips forming a thin disapproving line. “We shall be leaving this residence. We shall be relocating at once.”

    “What?” Tess and Cassie simultaneously gasped.
    “I have been offered an appointment. A position, by the Royal Family–the very one that you attempted to discredit with your fabrication. The offer has come just this very afternoon, actually.” He waited for the effect of his words to sink in. “And as it is a posting for chief physician of a royal colony, it will mean a great deal more money and security for this family. I must admit that I had had some reservations about leaving London and embarking on such a bold adventure, but now,” and his eyes narrowed to a glare, “now I see that I must remove you both from any further temptations to forge your own carnal relationships.” He sighed and rubbed his eyes and forehead with his hand. “Perhaps Elizabeth was right. We have procrastinated far too long in this business of finding a suitable marriage partner for either of you.”
    “But Father!”
    “Not another word out of either of you! I have decided! Now off to your rooms until the traveling plans have been concluded. I will call for you at such time. Pack up whatever you hold dear, but no more than two trunks apiece. Now go.”
    Sitting in the common drawing room between the girls’ bedrooms, Tess and Cassie mulled over the news.
    “Moving? Where will we be going to, do you think?” Cassie asked nervously. It was her unspoken worry that at some point she would cease to be considered a part of the family. She wondered now if she was included in the relocation plans. She replayed the doctor’s words in her head, and then decided that yes, he had spoken of leaving right away, and had also mentioned marriage arrangements for them both. She hoped that meant continued inclusion for her.
    Tess did not answer. She was lost in thoughts of

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