paranormal romance,
with a K . She doesn’t exist. Bryce ordered everyone to scout for her. I do mean everyone . When we find her, we bring her to him. He doesn’t often give us the details on the whys of what he demands. Bryce’s craze might make sense if she is a Pleiad.”
Matt spun his chair to stare out the window and consider his options. “I need you to hack into security footage from my office. Then email me the camera footage of her exiting the building this morning.”
“Her as in Katherine Ramsey? You had her in your work building today? What. The. Hell?”
“This is between you and me. I rescued her from an Acquisitions team last night.”
“Oh, Christ. Is she okay?”
“I healed her. She’s a little shaken up, but fine. Then she ditched me this morning right after breakfast. I don’t know if she walked out of here or shifted away. I need the footage. After you send it to me, corrupt it.”
“Can do.” Eli cleared his throat. “You need to speak to Bryce about this.”
“This is none of his business.”
“All right. I’ve got your back. I’m just warning you. Bryce’s got a burr so far up his ass about this that if he finds out you harbored her, he will go nuclear. I also feel obligated to say if she is a Pleiad, then your helping her had better be to get her protection, and not one of your booty calls.”
“Just send me the goddamned footage.” He hung up.
Online research at the library showed the date here was the same as at home. History wasn’t exactly the same, although Kat found some similarities as she scanned internet news. She wondered if she had an identity in this world and Googled herself. A few hits came up, but none were her. She typed in the webpage of her clinic in North Carolina and discovered the staff was completely different. At least she wouldn’t have to worry about running into herself.
She Googled Matt. A photo of him on the cover of a celeb magazine propelled her heart to a sprint. The top button of his white dress shirt was undone and his black tie hung loose. That half smile and six-o’clock shadow sent liquid fire throughout her body.
She skimmed the article and a few other interviews. They confirmed he’d built a powerful company, but she only cared about his personal life. He’d been linked to a handful of women. But only one marriage a few years ago, which lasted six months before he and his wife separated. His wife committed suicide weeks later. How sad. As much as it hurt to realize he’d loved another woman enough to marry her, she wondered why it’d been so short. This was the history of a man not big on commitment. He’d be perfect, if she was looking for short-term.
What is wrong with you? She wasn’t looking for any term . She just wanted to go home. There was nothing related to Matt and magic online, not that she’d expected it.
Someone in this world or hers would be able to make sense of what she was doing here and how this reality change was possible. She punched through a few web searches, finally getting helpful hits with “research on dimensional travel.” A theoretical physicist at Columbia University popped up with a few publications on dimensional time travel. Based on the number of blog sites with his name, and the pages of debate, they must be highly controversial papers. Columbia was in the city. Close and quite convenient. She jotted down the professor’s phone number.
An hour later Kat approached a student absorbed in a thick textbook, reclining on the stone steps of an academic building. Apparently, the kid was immune to the bitter wind that tore through his clothes. Shivering, Kat pulled the cheap wool coat she’d purchased at Goodwill tighter, jealous of the kid’s tolerance of the cold. How she missed the South. They never got more than a dusting of snow, and never wind that could spear through any cloth barrier.
“Where’s the physics department?” Kat asked the student.
The kid gazed at her with a vacant, somewhat
Margaret Mazzantini, John Cullen