Secret Friends

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Book: Secret Friends by Summer Waters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Waters
smell that lingered in her nose and madeher muscles tingle with anticipation. Fingering the silver dolphin charm hanging round her neck, Antonia hoped that her dolphins were safe.

Chapter Two
    A ntonia woke with a start. She couldn’t see a thing, her room was blacker than a witch’s hat, but she had no difficulty hearing the storm raging outside. The wind shrieked and rain drummed on her window, sounding like pebbles being thrown against the glass. Sleepily Antonia touched her silver dolphincharm, loving the way it felt as soft as a real dolphin. She wondered what the dolphins were doing now. She hoped they were safely out at sea, dozing. Dolphins didn’t fall asleep like other animals—they had to keep half awake or they would drown. Antonia closed her eyes and was almost asleep when a loud crack woke her. Having lived all her life in their little house overlooking the sea, Antonia was very familiar with that sound. It was a distress flare. Immediately she was out of bed and pulling up the blind to peer through the slanting window. Another crack rent the night air and this time Antonia saw a spiralling plume of red smoke away to her left over Sandy Bay. Hoping that the lifeboat crew would rescue whoever was in danger Antonia crawled back to bed.She slept soundly until Jessica roared in and shook her awake.
    “Get up,” she cried excitedly. “We’re on the news. Sandy Bay’s on television!”
    “Whaa…” mumbled Antonia, pulling the duvet over her head to blot out Jessica’s shrill voice.
    Jessica gripped the duvet and tugged it back. “There’s this boat. The
Princess Romana
. It got grounded in the storm and lost its cargo. Millions of boxes. And it’s all washing up on Sandy Bay beach. Hurry or you’ll miss it.”
    Antonia followed Jessica downstairs and into the kitchen where Mum and Dad were watching the local news on television. A picture of Sandy Bay filled the screen andAntonia gasped at the sight of so many crates littering the shore line.
    “The Italian cargo ship,
Princess Romana
, suffered some damage when it grounded and there’s been a slight oil spill,” said the news reporter, sounding grave. “It’s not serious and marine experts say the oil should disperse on its own; however, they are keeping an eye on the situation. Several oiled birds have already been found on the beach and are being dealt with by Sea Watch, a local charity for marine conservation.”
    “Oh, those poor birds!”
    As the picture switched back to the television studio Antonia turned to her mum and dad.
    “Claudia’s going to need help. Can I havethe day off school and go to Sea Watch instead?”
    “No,” said Mum and Dad together.
    “But Claudia needs me,” said Antonia, lightly touching her silver dolphin charm.
    “There’ll be plenty of time to help at Sea Watch after school,” said Mum firmly. “Claudia wouldn’t want you to skip lessons.”
,” wheedled Antonia. “Just for today.”
    “No,” said Mum, sounding cross. “You spend quite enough time at Sea Watch as it is. We hardly see you these days. Now go and get dressed. Breakfast is ready.”
    Antonia was desperate to help at Sea Watch, but when Mum said no in that tone of voice she meant it. Disappointed, she went upstairs to dress.
    It was a beautiful morning and Antonia could hardly believe that a few hours ago everything was being battered by the wind and rain. The air smelt clean and fresh and the early morning sun warmed Antonia’s face and legs as she walked round to Sophie’s house. Sophie was Antonia’s oldest friend and they always walked to school together. Recently they’d fallen out, but it hadn’t taken long for them to make up again. Antonia was glad; she was so close to Sophie that sometimes it felt like they were sisters. Sophie was waiting at the end of her drive, her blue eyes shining with excitement. She’d seen Sandy Bay on television too and was dying to
and look at the stricken

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