Addicted To Greed

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Book: Addicted To Greed by Catherine Putsche Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Putsche
just using the
right amount of pressure to alleviate his aching shoulders, he
wondered if this was one of her many talents.
“Was it a hard afternoon at the office Guillaume?”
    Without even thinking he replied yes . He had already finished
his first glass and Felicity went back to the fridge to refill their
glasses, he awaited her return sitting down on the large wabi
cushioned swing seat, closing his eyes and taking a big deep
breath, all thoughts about ending this affair had simply deserted
him, maybe it wasn’t a bad idea after all getting to know Felicity
a little better, let this affair run its course.
    They both spent the evening in each other’s arms contented and
at ease with one another, the food was more of a surprise, he
hadn’t expected she be so talented in the kitchen department.
    Several months passed by and it was time for Wilhelm to go
home and visit his family as it was Christmas time and he had
made promises he would be there on the eighteen of December
so they could all go Christmas shopping together. Felicity
became enraged as they hadn’t spent a night apart since that
night at the Rubicon.
“I don’t understand why we can’t spend Christmas together over
here in New York, why do you have to go to England for three
whole weeks?”
“Felicity, sweetheart I have already explained I promised my
wife and children months ago, I can’t disappoint them all now.”
    “I understand you have a
family Wilhelm and they need to see
their father at Christmas time but what about your wife, is she
aware you’re having an extra marital affair behind her back?”
    It was the first time Felicity had made any reference towards his
wife and he was a little unsure of what she was trying to say, he
took his time to reply carefully with the hope it wouldn’t upset
Felicity even more than he could begin to imagine.
    “Listen it is something
I have to do, I’ve never missed a
Christmas away from my children or my wife for that matter, I
didn’t know I was going to meet you and fall in love all over
again while I still had a wife. I’ve never found myself in this
situation before and I really don’t know what to do for the best, I
suppose I could just visit for two weeks instead of three and use
the extra week to go to Italy with you, how does that sound?”
“Well I suppose if you put it like that how could I resist Italy,
you know how much I long to go there.”
    He kissed her lips and thanked her for understanding, not
expecting more confrontations about his family, that was his
business and none of hers, it was bad enough the very prospect
of facing Jeannie after his liaisons with Felicity, he didn’t want
Felicity making it more difficult than it already was.
He placed a call over to his best friend Anthony Wallace in
England informing him he would be over for Christmas asking if
they could meet up, he wanted to discuss the new proposal that
Smith & Brothers had offered him regarding the coliseums.
“Wilhelm old chap how the devil are you?”
    “Less of the old chap if you wouldn’t mind,
may I remind you
that you are two years my senior. By the way I am great
couldn’t be better, how’s the lovely Margret and yourself?”
    “Oh just great Margret
has just completed her marathon in aid
one of her pupils who fell sick and needs specialised equipment
for her to walk properly, you know how she is always dedicating
herself to her school and children in need, a Florence nightingale
of the twenty first century.”
“Yes but remember old friend that’s how you guys met in the
first place, her good deeds for various charities don’t forget.”
“How could I forget, she’s the greatest wife a man could have,
with the exception to Jeannie of course.”
soon changed the subject, he didn’t want to get into a
conversation about his devoted wonderful wife, and it would
only make him feel guiltier.
coming over on the eighteenth of December, hope you

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