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Book: Rollover by Susan Slater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Slater
knew, one way or another, someone was gunning for him. Wanted him out of the way. And Dan didn’t have a clue as to who or what or why. He only knew that he recognized the stench of fright for the very first time in his life. Since the accident, he awoke to it at night and fought it to go back to sleep. And he wasn’t winning. And this didn’t help. He fingered the note and read it for the hundredth time…“get out while you can.”
    Not him. Because now he was pissed—pissed that someone had forced this kind of control over him. Forced him to look over his shoulder and fear every shadow and bump in the dark. And pissed because he was scared shitless for Elaine—and knew he couldn’t protect her…not from everything.
    She had to leave. He’d approach her in the morning about rejoining the tour—fly directly to Dublin. She would have only missed a few days—a week at most. He’d stay, get to the bottom of things, at least, get his report in and join her. He’d bet the doc would release him to drive this week, or if not, maybe he could hire someone. And in three weeks he’d be ready to take off. Mission accomplished.
    He awoke to the smell of fresh coffee and an unbelievably stiff neck. Why he hadn’t just crawled back into bed earlier instead of sleeping at the table with his head on his arms, he didn’t know. He splashed water on his face in the bathroom, brushed his teeth and still didn’t feel any better. Maybe because every time he turned around he elbowed a towel rack, bumped the soap dish or knocked the toilet paper holder off its perch. The bathroom was an afterthought. The whole room could have been a molded plastic all-in-one-piece addition instead of just the shower. Tiny didn’t even begin to describe the cramped space.
    â€œToast?” Elaine was wielding a frying pan of sizzling bacon and what looked to be tw eggs over easy as he walked to the table.
    â€œYou want to explain that now or wait until after breakfast?”
    He didn’t need to look at what she was pointing at to realize he’d left the note on the table in plain view. He shrugged, “Either, I guess.” Silently he was berating himself for being so clumsy. He’d certainly lost the element of surprise. And the opportunity to destroy it.
    â€œThat doesn’t look like vandals to me—not teenagers anyway. And there seems to be a certain level of knowledge of you personally.”
    â€œYeah, I know.”
    Elaine put two plates of eggs, bacon, and toast on the table and sat down.
    â€œNo jam.”
    â€œFor your toast. I forgot to buy jam.”
    â€œIt’s okay.” Suddenly he wasn’t hungry anymore. “Are you upset?”
    â€œI’m upset that you weren’t exactly truthful during the night. You went rushing out with your gun drawn—”
    â€œJust taking precautions.”
    â€œI don’t like any of this. Sure there’s a certain element of excitement but I don’t want you in danger.”
    â€œThen that’s reason to leave. I don’t want you in danger. This is proof that something’s going on that reaches beyond a simple robbery and a stolen necklace.”
    â€œI won’t go.”
    â€œIt’s just for a month—not even that long. That’ll give me time to wrap things up here—”
    â€œLook what happened the last time I left.”
    â€œIt’s not safe—you just admitted as much.”
    â€œIf you’re in danger then so am I.”
    â€œThat makes no sense.”
    â€œDoesn’t it? I flew back; I sat by your side; I cried my eyes out…and you think I’ll just leave again? Go off and pretend to enjoy a tour and leave you here, not knowing, fearing the worst, dreading the next phone call?”
    â€œElaine, it’s only selfish to tell you how much I need you—want you by my side.

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