In A Universe Without Stars 1: Skyeater
universe and have gained knowledge and powers no human
being has ever seen.”
spoke with an incredibly strong air and authority. His voice carries throughout
the room. Cole and Julio would’ve cowered back if it wasn’t for their new found
man, you kind of scare me but I wanna see this power
you speak of,” Julio says.
such as flight, telepathy, incredible strength and at the peak of our power,
the ability to surpass a physical form and some of us—“, Jahum puts out his
hand and opens it. A small ball of light appears and expands. “Have the ability
to create energy.”
blue orb spins like a miniature sun. Cole and Julio stare in awe, squinting
from the brightness. Julio more than Cole, as he hasn’t seen anything like this
before. Their shadows dance on the wall as the light fills the room.
slams his hands shut, cutting off the astonishment.
gave you all our power, but I hope we we’re not too late.” Jahum moves his
hands over Julio and Coles faces. “Remember.”
remembers, the road, the accident, the night Thora said she was going to leave
world is frozen, a stop in time. Jahum stands in front of Cole’s car, on the
same dark forest road where Cole had his accident. A force field projects from
Jahum, he stands blocking the road. Everything starts to speed up, Cole’s and
Thora’s faces start to light up, arms slowly swing up
to brace themselves as they crash.
trees block the light from the stars above. The road is only a few meters up a
slight dirt hill with skid marks etched into it. Cole’s mangled car is flipped
upside down in the ditch. It’s a twisted mangled mess. It’s somehow in one
piece despite the small metal shards and glass scattered around the ditch.
bloodied body hangs out the car window. A huge gash bleeds from her head, the
blood coating the ground. Cole is knocked out in the driver’s seat still
buckled up, only a little worse for wear.
walks through the wreckage. He stops in the middle of it all. Everything starts
to float, lifting off the ground. The car, the glass, every single piece of
debris float up until it’s shoulder height to Jahum.
The debris wavers a little, fighting with the gravity of the Earth but it stays
in place.
walks to the driver side of the car. Cole’s watch unwraps itself from his arm
and floats toward Jahum through the window. Jahum grabs it, his hand lights up
and the watch beeps. He lets go and it floats into Cole’s pocket.
turns to walk but stops. He turns and looks at Thora. Blood drips from a wound
in her chest. With her head and chest injured she’s going to bleed out. A
device appears in his hand, it looks like a remote but has no buttons and only
a small screen.
beeps as he moves it over her. A small image of her womb appears on the screen.
A small fetus shows up. She’s pregnant.
door explodes off and Thora is ripped out the seat by an invisible force. A
sleeping beauty, she doesn’t wake as she flies through the air. Dead. She stops
in front of him.
turns her upright and his hands light up. He moves them over her chest, a large
piece of shrapnel ejects from it and the wound heals, leaving not a single
then moves his hand over to her head, crunching is heard as her skull bones
snap back in place. A siren is heard closing in. Jahum looks content.
gently floats back to the ground. Jahum looks at Cole one last time. He turns
and leaves as Thora’s eyelids fly open.
removes his hand from Cole’s and Julio’s head. They both stumble back. He saved
her, he saved Thora. Julio pants and messes with the ring on his left index
finger. Cole wonders what he saw.
pregnant ?... Why did she…I’m a father…Thank you…” Cole
doesn’t know what to say.
because of this being that Thora and he are alive.
I’m getting my powers from my watch?”

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