Sidelined: A Sports Romance

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Book: Sidelined: A Sports Romance by Violet Paige Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Paige
    “I wanted to see you,” he replied.
    God, that voice. It was smooth and low and made my core start to ache.
    I looked around the lobby, realizing one of the Goddesses could spot us talking. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the closest room I could find. It was a ballroom the hotel used for conferences. It was dark inside, and I suddenly realized this might be worse than being seen together in the light.
    “We can’t… We said we wouldn’t…” I couldn’t put a full sentence together.
    Sam’s hands rested on my face and pulled my mouth toward him. I took a breath before his lips descended on mine. I didn’t know if it was instinct, want, or pure misery from missing him, but I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him harder than I’d ever kissed anyone in my life. His tongue whipped wickedly over my tongue and I moaned when I felt his teeth nip along my bottom lip, dragging it playfully.
    “God,” he groaned. “It’s better. It’s how I remembered.”
    “Don’t stop.” I reached for his lips again, inhaling his mouth, pressing into him with my body.
    It felt as if there was fire in my fingertips as I roamed his body. I couldn’t touch him enough, or cut the distance between us. I panted with every kiss.
    “How?” I looked into his eyes. “How did you find me?”
    He exhaled. “I called around until someone confirmed this is where your squad is staying.”
    “Oh. And they told you?”
    “Not room numbers, but I knew you were staying overnight at one of the Riverwalk hotels. Our press guy filled me in.”
    “Right.” My chest was about to explode. His hands slid to my ass and he squeezed. He spun me against the wall until my back was flat as his body pinned me.
    “And my last name?” I asked.
    He kissed my throat and breathed heavily. “I looked you up on the Goddesses’ roster.”
    I wanted to crumple on the floor. Sometimes I forgot I was listed on a website for anyone to see.
    His lips hovered until they crashed against me. His kiss was rough this time.
    “I want you, Natalia.”
    “Oh, God.” His lips feathered over my throat and I felt myself awaken with need and want I hadn’t felt in a month.
    “Let’s go to your room,” he suggested. He pushed my arms over my head and held my wrists together.
    I shook my head. “I have a roommate.”
    “Roommate?” But his lips didn’t stop.
    “Yes.” His hands were digging into the band at my waist. I moaned as he slipped a hand between the layers of clothing and skin. His fingers moved between my folds until I knew he was coated in my essence.
    I quivered, my knees shaking as he held me to the wall and his fingers made circles that tightened the coil in my belly. He pinched the delicate outline of my clit and I whimpered.
    “I have a plan,” he growled into my ear.
    “What?” I whispered.
    “I’ll get a room here.”
    His finger plunged inside my entrance and I bit my lip. I started clenching and squeezing around it.
    I nodded. I wasn’t thinking. I was only feeling. And what Sam was doing to me was sinful bliss. My body reacted to him with unleashed passion. He kissed my neck and added another finger.
    “But first.” His eyes were on me. “I’m going to watch you come like this.”
    My chest rose with heavy breaths. I couldn’t look away. His fingers worked their magic between my legs as the intensity spiraled.
    I was wet and panting, pinned to the wall. My hips gyrated toward him, wanting him to fill me every time he pulled away.
    “Fuck me like this, Natalia,” he ordered. And I lost all control. My hips bucked and my muscles clutched around his fingers. It was building inside me like a wildfire and there wasn’t anything that could extinguish the heat except Sam.
    I tried to look away, but his voice deepened. “No. Look in my eyes when you come.”
    I stared at him, knowing I was seconds away from exploding. My thighs tingled and my belly pulsed when the orgasm hit me.
    “Oh, God, Sam.” I breathed.

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