Solbidyum Wars Saga 4: Too Late for Earth

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Book: Solbidyum Wars Saga 4: Too Late for Earth by Dale C. Musser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale C. Musser
Unified Armed forces as a defensive measure.  One event that had surprised me was hearing that Israel had continued growing in strength, even without the assistance of the USA, which had abandoned supporting them completely by 2023.  The conflicts between Israel, Egypt and Palestine suddenly came to a halt in 2030 when both groups realized the threat of the Jihadists against them, and all signed a pact to fight them off.  “War does indeed make strange bed fellows,” I thought.  The expansion of the Fundamentalists was brutal throughout most of Africa and Indonesia, all non-believers either were converted or beheaded.  Their strict religious codes forbade most forms of education beyond the very basics of reading and math and reading was restricted to the Koran. Education for females was totally forbidden, and women who could read and write had their hands cut off so they could not write, or were blinded so they could not read.  With the end of real education, these countries quickly eroded until conditions were practically apocalyptic, medical care diminished and virtually vanished, and maintaining of city infrastructures came to a halt.
    In 2045, China declared war on the Philippines, and for the first time in the 21st century, the United States realized the danger China was presenting and that Hawaii would be next on their list.  Suddenly, the United States began beefing up its military might and started pulling out secret weapons they had developed many years earlier but never used.  The United States decided to live up to a long-held treaty it had with the Philippines, and after several skirmishes defending the Philippine islands in battles that inflicted heavy losses to the Chinese, China withdrew from the area, only to immediately attack the Muslim held islands in Indonesia.  Although these islands were heavily armed with personal arms, they had no warships or planes, nor did they have the pilots, sailors, and technicians to operate and maintain them.  China quickly swept through the islands, taking over the smaller islands and executing religious leaders, outlawing religion of any type and implementing new communistic government controls.
    India, which had nervously been watching China’s aggression in the region and had a few border conflicts of their own with China, had been building up their military in anticipation that China would one day turn its eyes toward them.  Then China began taking over many of the islands in Indonesia resulting in India and Japan signing an alliance treaty to provide a defense against the Chinese aggression.  South Korea and the inhabitants of Jakarta soon joined with India and Japan Creating the Indian Ocean Alliance Pact, IOAP, to defend Jakarta against the Chinese.  Oddly, between 2045 and 2056, Russia unexpectedly stopped their aggressions, even though they continued to build its military spending and military growth.  Russia's change in direction was not as altruistic as they tried to make it appear but the proposal was seen as a move in the right direction.  Russia had seen that China had no intention of stopping its aggression, and if it succeeded in its conquest of Indonesia, Japan and the Philippines, Russia would be next on the list. Russian spies uncovered plans by the Chinese to invade Russia suddenly in a brutal attack.  Russia knew that they would be better off joining with the other nations in putting a stop to China.  For the first time since World War II, the United States and the countries of the European Union were on the same side with Russia against a common aggressor and global World War III was officially on.  China made a surprise attack on Australia before the allies had a chance to establish strategic bases there, and all-out war broke out with fighting on all fronts of the Chinese borders and captured territories.  China, realizing the strength of the forces against it, made a daring attack using nuclear submarines and missiles.  One of

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