way Cole was looking at you with Jethro?”
Kate frowned. “Cole shouldn’t have said what he said, Nora. Jethro meant no harm.” She’d felt immediate remorse the minute Cole stepped up and made his comment.
“No, I’m sure Jethro didn’t, but there’s something in the way the sheriff looks at you all the time. Something he can’t hide. He’s got feelings for you, Kate. I’m sure of it.”
Kate let a chuckle escape. “I’m sure of it, too. He’s feeling like stringing me up on a thick rope. He’s not at all happy about me having the saloon built.”
“Maybe, or perhaps, he’s afraid of something.”
Confused, Kate shook her head. “Afraid? What would Cole Bradshaw have to be afraid of?”
“Oh, plenty I’d say,” she continued, as they nearedKate’s house. “Like losing his best friend, losing the woman he truly wants and fearing you’ll get hurt when all is said and done.”
“Nora, I’m convinced Cole doesn’t want me. He’s got Patricia Wesley. She’s the perfect sort of woman for him. She’s schooled and mannerly.”
“And…spoiled,” Nora added with a whisper. “Cole couldn’t possibly enjoy her company. Why, I overheard the Wesleys inviting him and Meggie over for supper after church. Cole refused.”
“That means nothing. Maybe he had other plans.”
“Perhaps, Kate, but think about it.”
“Oh Nora, you are so kind to worry about me. I’m fine, really. And there’s nothing to think over. There’s no room in Cole’s heart for me. He’s set on what he wants.”
Nora smiled warmly as they climbed up the steps to Kate’s house. “Hmm. I do believe I know another person with that very same quality.”
“Be kinda quiet, Meggie, and ease up on them,” Cole said, watching Meggie chase one butterfly after another in a field of new spring wildflowers. “You gotta wait until they settle, then sneak up on them.”
Meggie lunged and scared half the butterflies away from all the noise and commotion she made. A fast and furious line of fleeting color rose up then parted, flying off in different directions. “I want that one!” she cried, pointing at a large, beautiful monarch. “It’s so pretty, Daddy.” She ran farther into the field,jumping from one plant to another, looking to Cole like a cute little jittery butterfly herself.
“The pretty ones are harder to catch,” he offered, sitting down on the soft patch of grass and stretching out his legs. “They know you want them and they let you get real close, then poof! just like that, they’re gone.”
Meggie giggled and lunged again when the monarch landed on a golden-yellow poppy, but it lit off again as if on fire. Meggie followed it until the darn thing disappeared into the cloudless blue sky.
Meggie put her head down and walked toward him, disappointed.
Cole shook his head and smiled. There was such determination in her eyes, such want, and Cole was glad his daughter had a strong mind. Well, most times, he was glad of it. “Come here, Megpie. Daddy wants to talk to you.”
“But I want to catch one,” Meggie said, jutting out her chin.
“Well, we’ll see what we can do about that later. We have to wait until the butterflies come back around.”
Meggie plopped herself down next to him on the grass. “Will you help me catch one, Daddy?”
Her mind sure stayed on one track, Cole mused, just like another determined female he knew. “Sure will, sweet darlin’.”
He picked a tall grass blade and tickled her underthe chin. Her frown lifted and she let out a giggle of joy. “It tickles,” she said.
“I know. Feels sorta nice though, doesn’t it?”
“Uh-huh.” Meggie laid herself down on her stomach, bracing her head with her hands and swinging her legs up in the air.
“You’re gonna get your pretty Sunday dress all dirty lying like that. Mrs. Gregory would pluck my whiskers if she saw you right now.”
Meggie giggled again, bringing Cole a full measure of joy. “Daddy don’t have any