Sir Rowan and the Camerian Conquest

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Book: Sir Rowan and the Camerian Conquest by Chuck Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chuck Black
Tags: Romance, Historical, Fantasy, Childrens, Young Adult
coming down the hallway.
    “We have to leave here immediately,” he said.
    “Why, Rowan? What’s wrong?”
    “All of us are in danger. Balenteen knew that Sir Aldwyn was my friend. I’m sure he’ll think to have the sentinels investigate his home. I’m surprised they’re not here already.”
    Mariah’s eyes opened wide. “I’ll gather our things,” she said—but it was too late.
    They all froze at the sound of heavy boots on the kitchen floorboards. A moment later, a massive figure appeared at the end of the hallway.Though he did not wear a sentinel’s uniform, Rowan was certain he was a leader of the sentinel force. His black leather armor was festooned with bright silver markings. He stood even taller than Rowan, with a physique as muscular as Rowan’s had been during his tournament days. Dark brown hair was pulled back in a short braid at the back of his head, highlighting his olive skin, prominent nose, and jaw line. His hand rested on the pommel of his sword, and his stance nearly spanned the entire hallway.
    “Where is Sir Aldwyn?” The man’s voice was urgent, his countenance fierce as he glared at the trio in the hallway.
    Rowan stood as straight as he could and stepped past Mariah and Zetta. “I am the one you have come for. Leave them alone,” he said with as much authority as he could muster.
    The mighty knight’s eyes narrowed as he strolled toward Rowan. He came within inches of his face, gazing into Rowan’s eyes with fire in his own. He reached up and grabbed Rowan’s neck just below his jaw. Rowan tried to pull away, but he was powerless in the man’s iron grip. Mariah tried to come to Rowan’s aid, but the man just held her at arm’s length while she clawed at his arm.
    Surprisingly, the man did not squeeze or attempt to strangle Rowan. Instead, he slowly turned Rowan’s head from one side to the other, as if inspecting him. Rowan held up a hand to tell Mariah to back away, and she halted her fruitless attempt at help. The man looked down at Rowan’s frail form and sneered.
    “Impossible! You are not the one.” His voice was thick with indignation. He dropped his hand back to his sword. “Where is Aldwyn?”
    Just then the front door of the home exploded inward in a shower of splinters. Rowan, Mariah, and Zetta stood dumbfounded at the sound of many armed men bursting into the front parlor.
    “Sentinels!” whispered Zetta with alarm in her eyes.
    The large, mysterious knight responded in the blink of an eye. He drew his sword and rushed down the hallway toward the intruders. Aldwyn’s home was instantly filled with crashing swords, overturned tables, and broken pottery. It seemed an impossible fight, for the knight wasclearly outmanned. Rowan wasn’t sure who he hoped would win, for either victor seemed a threat.
    Zetta urged Mariah and Rowan to retreat with her into the bedchamber, where they locked the door. Rowan quickly donned his boots and jacket.
    “What should we do?” Mariah asked, but Rowan just shook his head. This chamber had no windows.
    “Help me move the bed,” Zetta said. “Here.” She tugged at the frame. “Against the door.”
    Rowan and Mariah looked at each other. “That won’t hold them long.”
    She shook her head. “Come—we haven’t much time.”
    The ruckus in the home sounded as if the entire place was being destroyed.
    They slid the bed up against the door.
    “There,” Zetta pointed at a rug that had been covered by the bed.
    Mariah knelt down and lifted the rug to reveal a trapdoor. She looked up at Rowan and smiled.
    “Each of the bedrooms has one,” Zetta said. “Sir Aldwyn had them dug last year. They lead to the stables in the back.
    Rowan knelt down to help lift the door, but he knew that Mariah was bearing most of the burden. Just as the trapdoor was laid back on the floor, the ruckus outside their room stopped.
    “Hurry!” Rowan said to Zetta.
    Someone tried to open the door to the room, but it hit against the bed. Rowan

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