In the Brief Eternal Silence
too long, for his next words had her turning to stare at
him. “For we became betrothed at approximately one hour after
midnight.” He raised the lids of his eyes, giving her the full
impact of their golden stare at her look of shocked disbelief. “So
you see, Miss Murdock, when I leave here shortly, you shall be
accompanying me.”

    Chapter Five

    “You expect me to take you seriously?” Miss
Murdock asked.
    “I can not, at this point, expect any thing
from you, Miss Murdock.”
    “Indeed, I am glad we are in agreement on
that,” she returned. She paused another thoughtful second in the
door and then with a little sigh, went back to stand before him.
“Milord, you are drunk. It is nearing dawn. I will make up a room
for you and you shall sleep and tomorrow you will have forgotten
your foolish statement, as I will have. Surely, you see the sense
in that?”
    “I am no longer drunk, Miss Murdock, but
nearly sober, to my regret, after two cups of coffee and the meal
you placed before me.
    Sober enough to know I am not displeased with
the alliance I have made.” He pulled a chair out. “Come, Miss
Murdock, and be seated. I am sure you have questions.”
    “No, milord,” she shook her head. “I am too
tired to humor your
    odd fancies.”
    “Ah. But your father was in a more agreeable
    “My father tends to agree to a great many
things when he is drinking,” she returned with a rueful grin. With
her eyes twinkling, she added, “as I daresay, do you.”
    “You refuse to take me seriously for even a
moment, Miss Murdock.”
    She made a sudden weary gesture. “Indeed,
sir, please do go on, for I see that you are quite set upon it. It
will only needs cleaning up in the morning if I do not attend to it
now any rate.”
    He raised a brow. “I applaud your indulgence,
Miss Murdock.” He sat himself, his fingers drumming on the table
before him in light contemplation. “I asked your father for your
hand. He has agreed.”
    “I am sure I am quite flattered.” She gave a
little laugh. “It is not often that I receive proposals at dawn,
even from drunken suitors. Indeed, I do thank you, even as I must
decline. Regretfully, of course. Is it possible for me to return to
my bed now?”
    “You are being difficult, Miss Murdock,” he
    “Indeed, I think I am showing remarkable
restraint.” Her amusement waned. “Please do not pursue this
ridiculous conversation any further.”
    “Miss Murdock, I realize this must be
difficult for you,” he took pains to explain, “but it is important
that you accept that I am serious. Can you at least entertain that
assumption for the purposes of this conversation so that we may
discuss your concerns at this circumstance?”
    “I am to assume,” she said with a wry twist
to her mouth, “allow me, please, to state this correctly, that a
duke, moneyed and privileged and despite a certain sordid
reputation, still a desirable match in marriage, by those far more
suitable than myself, has settled upon my being his wife after, of
course, only one meeting, where I was covered with mud and running
a horse into a fence.” Half smiling, she awaited his answer, but he
gave none, only waited for her to continue. She made an impatient
gesture with her hand. “The whole idea is ludicrous. What could
possibly motivate you?”
    “My motives are no concern of yours, Miss
Murdock. I would rather you consider your own concerns, as I had
    “You believe that after I give your suit the
consideration I am sure you believe it deserves that I will leap
upon the obvious advantages to me and agree?” she asked, her tone
somewhere between disbelieving and offended.
    He gave an impatient little sigh and rose
from his seat. He turned from her and strode the room. He paced
back to stand before her. “Must I list them, Miss Murdock? For I
find it distasteful to have to enumerate my 'desirable' qualities.”
His lip curled in an unsuspected ugly wrath that had Miss

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