and along came SPIDER ( A Martina Spalding Thriller ) (Spider Series Book 1)

Free and along came SPIDER ( A Martina Spalding Thriller ) (Spider Series Book 1) by J.R. WRIGHT Page A

Book: and along came SPIDER ( A Martina Spalding Thriller ) (Spider Series Book 1) by J.R. WRIGHT Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.R. WRIGHT
Parker,” she couldn’t
help but say.  “You look so nice!”
    “Thank you,” Parker
returned.  “But don’t get the wrong idea.  At heart I’m really a jeans and tee
shirt kind of guy.”
    “Me too,” Gloria tossed
in, feeling accepted now, “but it is nice to put on the dog every once in a
while, right?”
    “It is,” they all
agreed and happily slid into the booth, Martina to the inside of Parker and
Gloria opposite the two of them, which was fine with her.  This way she
wouldn’t need to crane her aching neck, or twist her tortured body, to address
either of them.
    Once they were served
drinks, Parker his usual Budweiser and Martina and Gloria each a glass of red
wine, Parker made an announcement.  “I have reservations for seven thirty at
Chouteau’s, overlooking the river.  I hope you both like French food?”
    “I don’t know about
Martina, but I love it,” Gloria offered.
    “That’s a wonderful
choice, Parker,” Marti offered, feeling good about the evening already.
    “I especially love
Chouteau’s,” Gloria added.  “My husband and I went there oft…”  She paused and
studied the attentive faces across from her.  “I’m sorry.  I guess I shouldn’t
be having this wine.  Apparently I’m already goofy.”
    This brought laughter
from Parker but only sympathy from Marti, who reached out and took Gloria’s
hand in hers.  “It’s okay, honey,” she said, as tears appeared from beneath
Gloria’s sunglasses.  “It’s okay!”
    Parker took note of
this and said, “Did I miss something?  I’m sorry if I…”
    “No, Parker, you did
nothing wrong,” Martina was quick to say.  “It’s just that Gloria has had a
difficult experience.  She’ll be fine in a few days.”  Actually, Marti wasn’t
being truthful.  Physically she may mend in weeks, but mentally the scars from
the beating she took may be with her forever, she knew.
    “My ex-husband beat
me,” Gloria came out with it.
    “Bad?” Parker focused
on her.
    With that, Gloria
removed her sunglasses, revealing the liver colored bruising around both her
    “My God!” Parker drew
back and made a painful face.  “Where’s the sonofabitch now?  Did you have him
    “No,” Gloria said and
replaced the glasses.  “No cops!”
    “Gloria is afraid he
may….” Marti started.
    “Look!” Parker cut her
off, feeling the urge to be macho.  “I need to know this asshole’s name.  Where
can I find him?”
    “You know what,” Gloria
said shaking her head, “I think I’d better go home.  No way am I going to allow
this to spoil the evening for the two of you.  I couldn’t bear it.”  She
reached for her purse at her side and began to slide out of the booth.
    “Wait, Gloria,” Marti
said, holding up a hand.  “Look, Parker, I think Gloria is right.  Perhaps we
can do this another time, okay?”
    “No, you two go ahead. 
I shouldn’t have come in the first place.”  Gloria got to her feet and headed
for the door.
    “Let me out, Parker!”
Marti said franticly.  “I can’t let her go out there alone.”
    With that, Parker
hastily got to his feet. “Come on, I’ll give you a lift.”  He dropped a five
dollar bill on the table, took Martina by the hand and wormed his way through
the packed crowd toward the door.  Where the sea had parted for the shapely
Gloria, he found the going more tedious.
    Once on the sidewalk
out front, they spotted Gloria already a half block up and running as best she
could in the tight gown and spike heels. 
    Briefly analyzing the
situation, Martina said, as she slipped off her heels, “Just go, Parker.  I’ll
catch up with her.”  With that, she hitched the pink dress up to her hips and
took off on a dead run.
    Spellbound at the
sight, Parker couldn’t help but wonder what may have been, had Martina shown up
alone and things gone smoothly… frightened now that he may not get another
chance.  Keeping an eye on Martina until she caught up

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