Darkening Dawn (The Lockman Chronicles Book 5)
heavenly star. To look up at this legend’s soul as if he truly knelt at the master’s feet was an honor Earl would have never imagined seven years ago, before the master’s death, when Earl only knew the man by reputation, like a celebrity. Hell, he was a celebrity, more worthy of the title than that douche bag Tom Cruise. A fool who worshiped a ridiculous fiction when reality had itself a shit-ton of magic all its own.
    He knew the image of his master’s soul reflected Earl’s own ideal and not what the man had looked like in life. Didn’t make the experience any less majestic, though.
    My master, Earl said in a whisper of awe.
    Stand, Earl. You’ve proven yourself my equal.
    Earl stood, but kept his gaze lowered, the flesh of his face warming. Not nearly an equal.
    Look at me.
    Earl lifted his gaze and met his master’s eyes. They shone with an intelligence Earl would never have. Growing up in southern Appalachia, Earl hadn’t known anyone with that kind of smarts. Check on Earl’s accent before now. People like Earl never had the chance for learning. Only his niece had a hint of brains, and only because he had rescued her from her own family and spent the last four years setting her straight so memories of what her Daddy did wouldn’t ruin her.
    The wicked soul you just shook off came from me. A test, which you passed. And without any preparation for fighting such a thing. This has earned you a place at my side, not at my feet. Humility is worthless to a soldier of the Dawn. Don’t worship me, Earl. Join me.
    Earl bowed his head again, then quickly looked up so as not to insult his master. Right, sir. I gotcha.
    His master laughed from deep in his throat, a rich and smooth tone, like that black fella from that baseball movie where some dummy builds a baseball field in his cornfield.
    You can start by quitting the formalities with me. His master stepped over to Earl and draped an arm across Earl’s shoulders.
    A thrill ran through Earl at the contact. This here was a historic moment in Earl’s life. It firmed up his dedication to the cause. He had entered the Inbetween as a live soul and communicated with the greatest soul ever born. A hero. A god, almost.
    Okay, sir…I mean… He turned his head to look to his master for guidance. What else could he call this fabled man other than master?
    His master—or whatever Earl should call him—smiled, showing teeth as straight and white as those folks on TV advertising toothpaste. His breath even smelled a little minty.
    You have two choices. His master—he couldn’t stop thinking of him that way; probably never would no matter what the man wanted Earl to call him—hugged Earl tighter with his arm around Earl’s shoulders. He reached across with his free hand and patted Earl’s cheek. His palm’s skin felt like the soft fleece Earl used to wear when he went coon hunting with Pap. All the man’s perfections were a testament to his ability to control the form of his soul. And if the master truly had sent the snakelike soul as a test of strength, it meant he had control of more than just his own self.
    Are you listening, Earl?
    Yes— He almost said sir, but caught himself in time.
    You may call me Gabriel, which is what I’d prefer, since we are partners in this endeavor. But I know your southern manners might be more comfortable with Mr. Dolan.
    Hearing his master’s name made Earl’s heartbeat race.
    Thank you, Mr. Dolan. That’s right nice of you.

Chapter Sixteen
    C IGARETTE PINCHED BETWEEN HER LIPS , Elka squinted against the smoke as she marched, naked and fresh from another shower (in her own bathroom this time), toward her bedroom to pick out a new outfit and start packing.
    A blinking in the corner of her eye stopped her in the living room. Next to her threadbare couch, Elka had set up a narrow computer desk for her Mac. She left the computer running at all times. It’s where she conducted her search, lurking on forums dedicated to various

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