Daddy's Little Killer
hold Orion
simply because he found the victim.  Does it make him a person
of interest?  Absolutely.  But my experience at the FBI
tells me that if we confirm his alibi, we'll build enough rapport
with him that when a stronger case based on hard evidence is built,
he won't be so reluctant to cooperate.  That's how you catch
someone with experience in law enforcement.  If Orion is the
perp in this case, you've gotta realize that he's at least ten
steps ahead of where we are right now.  If we try to charge
him before we have a solid case, we run the risk of shooting
ourselves in the foot.  You get where I'm going with
    "I'll have the guys go out to Hennessey
Island right away," Haverston said.  "And we'll get that
passenger list before you leave the scene."
    I hoped that would be in about thirty
seconds.  Apparently not.  "You should also have someone
start taking statements from our audience."  I cast a sidelong
glance at several neighbors out on their lawns in robes and
slippers.  "You never know if one of them saw something that
could provide leads in this case."
    "What about Orion?"
    Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the van
from the medical examiner's office arrive.  "Let me talk to
Dr. Winslow.  The sooner she can give us an estimate on time
of death, the sooner we'll know if Orion's alibi even applies to
the window we're looking at for the commission of this crime."
    "Right.  We're on it, Dr.
    "You're having them verify the alibi I
provided?" Conall hissed incredulous words into my ear. 
    I turned into the angry blast.  Sea
green sparks arced in his eyes for a moment before he took a quick
step backward.
    "It's par for the course in a murder
investigation, detective.  If you don't like it, perhaps you
should consider narrowing your circle of friends.  Your word
alone isn't enough to give Orion an alibi for the evening. 
Now if you'll excuse me, I see an old colleague I'd like to talk to
before she gets too busy to answer a few questions."


Chapter 8
    Maya Winslow stopped dead in her tracks and
stared for a moment.  She shook her head lightly and rubbed
her eyes.  "I don't believe it."
    "Nice to see you too, Dr. Winslow."
    "Jesus Christ and General Jackson.  Who
called the feds in on this one?  Not that I'm complaining or
anything.  I'm … stunned.  How are you, Eriksson?"
    People don't really want the truth when they
ask that question.  It's a social nicety.  Look at
me.  I care enough to ask how you are.  Do me a favor and
lie.  Say "fine" or some other placating nonsense.  I
really don't want to get sucked into your world.
    As a different breed, I grinned at
her.  "Same shit, different day.  How did you end up in
Darkwater Bay?"
    "Power," she slammed the back door of the
van and gave a stern look to her techs.  "Don't touch anything
until I get inside.  Got it?"  I noticed that she added a
wink after the harsh order. 
    "You're in charge out here?"
    "You're looking at the chief medical
examiner."  She struck a Marilyn Monroe-esque pose.  "How
do I wear it?"
    "I figured you'd be in Maryland
    "No chance of promotion," she said.  "I
got to leap from the lower middle rung all the way to the top by
relocating out here.  Never mind that I've delved into the
ninth circle of hell."
    "I wasn't aware there were nine of
    "Probably more.  I just have uncovered
nine of them since I moved here six months ago.  So this case
warrants a federal intervention, eh?"
    I noticed the ears around us perking with
interest.  "Walk with me," I said.  My voice lowered to a
scratch above a whisper.  "It's not common knowledge yet."
    "What isn't?"
    "I'm not with the bureau anymore, Maya."
    "Since when?"
    "Monday morning."
    "No shit?"
    "How well versed were you on water cooler
gossip before you left Maryland?"
    "Please," Maya stepped through the front
door of Foster's home.  "I had more work to do out there than
most.  I

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