The Dive: Birth of a Wordsmith

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Book: The Dive: Birth of a Wordsmith by Justin Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Justin Miller
widely to her and gave her the biggest kiss I could manage,
leaving her red and panting afterwards, and wondering just what she’d
said to earn that. “There is something I can do, and I don’t
know why I didn’t see it!” Of course I knew why. There
wasn’t a rune for what I wanted. I had to really create
something new.

    Denise was still smiling
dumbly, seeming to be in shock from the sudden display of affection,
but nodded as if she understood. I immediately sent a Message to Luc
to ask him if it was possible, and the response I got was a gasp.

    “ Absolutely not!
It’s been centuries since a new rune was created! You wouldn’t
even know where to begin!”

    “ But it has been
done before! The runes didn’t just spring into being, did they?
They were invented, one by one. That means it can happen again!”
And with that, I ended the call before he could respond.

    I knew what I wanted to do
now. The question was only how. In learning earth magic, I had to
understand the nature of stone. To do this, I’d have to
understand the nature of a rune, give life to idea.

    Although I had told Denise
I’d mind the store, I was wrapped up in my books, and she
didn’t seem to mind. If anything, she was happy. I wasn’t
exactly sure why, but whenever she saw me hard at work, her smiled
brightened the room.

    I knew what I wanted to
make. But how do you visualize an idea without form. Give shape to
the shapeless? I could base it on similar runes, but I wanted this to
be mine. Something created of my will, birthed by my efforts. And so,
I started, spending every waking moment in The Dive, and even most of
my time in the real world, working on that single rune.

    On the fifth day of the
fourth week, I had what I wanted, and had tested it successfully. I
still needed the 200 gild tuition in order to enter the college to
take the test, but Denise was more than happy to pay it when I told
her I was ready.

    At this point, the guards
didn’t even acknowledge my presence when I entered, as if
either I belonged or I was too far beneath their notice to care
about. But that didn’t matter. I walked with a purpose to Luc’s
office. The short man jumped visibly when I opened the door and said
with a grin on my face. “I’m ready for my test.”

    The color drained from his
face as he understood the implications of my words. “Are…
are you sure? There’s no going back.”

Confirm Event

    Final Test

    You only have one chance to complete this event. Do
you wish to proceed?

    “ I’m sure.
Call whoever you need to, where do I need to go?”

Event Confirmed. Beginning Final Test.

    “ You’re an
earth mage… so the cavern we trained at would be okay.”

    I nodded and made my way
towards the underground cavern, smiling as I remembered that this was
the real start of my journey. If not for Luc, I’d have never
gone this path, and might never have done this.

    It took nearly half an
hour, but eventually six figures descended the spiral stairs. I
recognized Thurgrim with his shiny head, my petite teacher from my
first week, and of course Luc. The other three were likely also
graduated mages. One was a buxom woman with round spectacles and dark
red hair. One was a man in his early forties, balding and overweight.
The last one was rather unusual, a brute of a mage. He was just over
six foot, and had the build of a warrior.

    “ Apprentice Jin. We
have been informed that you wish to undergo your Final Test. Is this
true?” Thurgrim asked me, raising an eyebrow.

    “ It is, sir. I
believe I have something suitable for it.”

    He nodded to me, “Then
by all means, proceed.”

    I nodded to him, taking a
step back. I was prepared for criticism, because I knew that this
wouldn’t look like anything special at first.

    “ Guardians of the
earth, answer my call and become my shield. Wall of Clay!” I
brought my hand forward, and a wall of stone rose up, three meters
high and six inches thick.
    I could hear Luc cough

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