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Book: MoreThanWords by Karla Doyle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karla Doyle
his head. He’d never given it a moment’s
consideration before, that a woman might take issue with his ink. This was
different. Calli was different. She’d flirted with him sight unseen, based on
messages, not because he was on a stage. He’d wanted that—to be seen as more
than a conquest for the night, a tick off somebody’s bucket list that included bang
a musician .
    “Wow, you have a lot. With your clothes on, I never would’ve
    Not exactly an endorsement, but she hadn’t turned away,
either. “It started with one shoulder and went from there over the years. I’d
never get one that couldn’t be covered, though, for professional reasons.”
    “Why wouldn’t you want everybody to see them…they’re part of
the whole ‘sexy rocker’ vibe, aren’t they?”
    “You’re asking a lot of questions for somebody who’s
supposed to be answering mine.” Not that he minded. And the shy smile on her
face while she continued checking him out—he didn’t mind that, either. “I got
my first tattoo long before anybody paid me to play a guitar. Also, I keep my
clothes on while I’m on stage.”
    “That’s unfortunate for your female fans.”
    “I guess that means you like tattoos.” When was the last
time he’d fished for a compliment—five years ago, ten?
    “Not necessarily…but I like yours.”
    Damn and double damn. Her voice already did it for him, but
when she spoke quietly like that, the soft-husky combo completely lit his fuse.
The muscles in his arms twitched. He wanted to knock the game board out of the
way and drag her on top of him. Feel her hands on his skin as she explored
every line on his arms, shoulders, chest.
    He swallowed hard. “You still owe me three sentences.”
    “All right.” She fidgeted again. “You met my sister, saw how
she is—gorgeous and exciting and outgoing. I’m the opposite. She’s like this
beacon that draws everybody’s attention, whereas I’m more comfortable being the
lighthouse keeper. I guess you could say I’m a homebody and leave it at that.”
    Whoa. The subtext in her statements told him she stayed home
for reasons other than loving her apartment. “How much older is your sister?”
    She cocked her head. “I’m older. Not by much, eleven months.
Irish twins, as they say.”
    That explained a few things. Why she and her sister were
close, which he’d picked up from his conversation with Caitlyn. Why Calli would
feel the need to compare them. Growing up with a sister so close in age
would’ve fostered a lot of competition, in all areas, he’d bet. Thinking the
other girl had her beat, though—not in his books.
    “Technically, I shouldn’t have answered that question.” She
turned her attention to their game, scowling as she shuffled tiles in her rack.
“Double-word score on fop and do …twenty-seven measly points.” The
scowl turned on him. “Don’t even think about playing another bingo on this
board, mister.”
    “Master, not mister.” He had to smile when she rolled her
eyes at him. All his luck had disappeared after the first move. She’d win this
round. And he didn’t mind one bit. “ Hae for eighteen. Ladies’ choice.”
    She clapped with genuine enthusiasm, the little bounce that
went with it making her tits jiggle and her skirt inch closer to her hips. Holy
mother, another celebration like that and he’d have one hell of a view. He’d
never been one to throw a game of any kind, but there was a first time for
    On his side of the board, he didn’t have much to lose.
Jeans, boxers, socks, a belt. If she asked for jeans he wasn’t putting the belt
back on, so it’d be gone too.
    She leaned forward, making a big show of deciding. “Hmm…what
to choose…”
    The move pressed her tits against the fabric. That’d be his
next move—getting those damn buttons out of the way.
    “I’m inclined to dare you, just for payback, but I do have
questions.” Her tongue slid across her bottom lip. “Nope.

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