His Counterfeit Condesa (Historical Romance)

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Book: His Counterfeit Condesa (Historical Romance) by Joanna Fulford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanna Fulford
went no further. Not that she wanted it to, of course. Once bitten…It occurred to her that he, too, had known disappointment. That was painful enough without the added humiliation of seeing the woman he loved marry his brother.
    A door opened and she glanced across the room, assuming Jacinta had returned. However, the outer one remained firmly closed. Instinctively she darted a swift look at the connecting door that led to the adjoining bedchamber. It was open and Falconbridge stood on the threshold. Then, taking in the scene before him, he stopped in his tracks. Sabrina’s cheeks flamed scarlet and instinctively she crossed her arms over her breasts, aware that her heart was thumping uncomfortably hard.Her startled thoughts went off in a dozen directions at once, the ramifications of which sent an unexpected flood of heat through her which had nothing to do with the temperature of the bath water.
    ‘What are you doing here? How dare you burst in like this?’
    For the first time since she had met him he seemed at a loss. ‘I…er…forgive me. I didn’t mean to startle you. I didn’t realise you would be bathing.’
    ‘But I am, sir.’
    ‘Yes.’ He knew it sounded inane but his tongue seemed temporarily to have lost contact with his brain. His legs had, too, rooting him to the spot.
    ‘Well?’ She held the lid down on indignation. ‘Was there something you wanted to say?’
    He cleared his throat. ‘Only to let you know that repairs are underway on the coach.’
    ‘That’s good to hear.’
    ‘With any luck we should be able to leave tomorrow morning, albeit a little later than usual.’
    She nodded, supremely conscious of having the undivided attention of that steady gaze. It was both contemplative and appraising, taking in every detail. As it did so its habitual coolness was replaced by keen appreciation and a warmer light kindled in those grey depths. Her heart thumped harder. She needed to bring this interview to a close and soon.
    ‘Thank you for letting me know.’
    It should have signalled dismissal but still he made no move to go. Did he intend to stand there all day? Along with indignation her inner demon awoke.
    ‘I take it there were no problems then?’
    He seemed to recollect himself. ‘None at all. Why, did you think there would be?’
    ‘I couldn’t help wondering if someone else might have had a prior claim on the wheelwright’s services.’
    ‘Such as?’
    ‘An army officer perhaps?’
    Amusement filled his grey eyes. ‘I suppose I deserved that.’
    ‘Well, yes.’
    ‘On that note, ma’am, I had better leave you to finish your bath in peace.’
    ‘I’d be grateful, sir.’
    The sweet smile didn’t deceive him for a moment. It was also unwittingly provocative. For a moment more he indulged the fantasy of showing her just how provocative, before self-control reasserted itself. He sighed and, with a last backwards look, took himself off.
    As the door shut behind him she leaned back and breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t that she suspected him of anything untoward—his surprise on finding her thus had been genuine enough—but rather that his presence aroused untoward feelings in her. Feelings she could not afford to indulge. She had never met anyone quite like him; he was somehow larger than life. It was difficult enough being thrown together with a total stranger but when the stranger was Robert Falconbridge it lent an added dimension to the whole situation.
    The sound of another door opening caused her to start, but this time it was Jacinta. For the second time Sabrina let out a sigh of relief. The water in the tub was growing cool now so she climbed out and wrapped herself in a linen towel. If the maid noticed her preoccupied air she made no comment on the matter and busied herself with hanging up the newly brushed travelling dress. Sabrina bit back a smile, thinking it was as well her companion had not returned earlier. Goodnessonly knew what construction she would have

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