My Guardian Angel

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Book: My Guardian Angel by Evangelene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evangelene
family?” she asked.
    “No, I’m not. I just want to make sure that one of them isn’t a friend of mine ,” I bit out, my anxiety getting the better of me.
    “Then I'm sorry, I can’t let you go there.” She pointed to the exit, which led me out to the lobby.
    “Look, I totally understand why you can’t let me go through. I get it. I really do, but I need…”
    “I'm sorry, but unless you are family, you cannot be permitted to go past these doors. Now either you leave quietly or I will have security escort you out.” She glared down at me.
    “Fuck ,” I muttered under my breath as I walked out to the waiting room. Now what? Maybe if I call Tiff, she’ll figure out a way. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling down my numbers for hers.
    “Kass?” I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around and almost fell forward as I started to run towards Jason. I stretched out my arms and nearly jumped onto him as I wrapped myself around him.
    “ Oh, thank God, you’re okay,” I breathed. I held on tight, trying desperately to accept that he was right in front of me and safe.
    “What are you doing here?” he asked, surprised at my presence.
    That’s when I realized how irrational I may have acted. Without a moment’s thought, I came running to make sure Jason was all right. I let go of my kung fu grip around his neck and slowly slid off him, embarrassed at my impulsive behavior. I began scratching the back of my neck, uncomfortable with myself and what I had done by running into his arms. What made it worse was that through my tunnel vision of only seeing Jason, I didn’t see the rest of his team was there with him. Each one of them was giving me or each other knowing looks. I hung my head low, not able to look right at him.
    “Well, you know I'm pretty famous, so I'm here to do some visiting at the hospital and saw you here ,” I lied horribly through my teeth and God did I feel bad about it. Note to self, remind Tiff, I’ll need to visit this hospital and make it up to them.
    “Oh ,” he said, smiling from ear to ear. “Would have been nice, had you been here to see if I was okay.”
    “Yeah well, don’t get a big head, I just was passing by.” I nodded. “I guess since my day is done here, I better get back home.” I quickly looked back down, not wanting to see him smiling at my obvious lie and me. Stupid me, not only did I make an ass of myself, I left Darios alone with my lasagna.
    “Kass?” I heard Jason calling from behind me, but I ignored him. I was making for a quick and not ‘very lady -like’ getaway, trying desperately to get out of there. “Kass? Wait up!” But I kept going.
    Idiot! What the hell was I thinking about running here? Had Jason even thought of me in that way, wouldn’t he think that I would be here to see if he got hurt? I mean, it’s only natural, right? Of course, Jason wouldn’t see me that way. He was younger and had a life of his own and I was only his friend and nothing more. I drilled that into my mind and decided then and there, I would stop thinking about Jason and start focusing on my life. 
    “Could you wait?” he shouted as he finally reached me and stopped me from going any further. “Didn’t you hear me calling you?” he questioned.
    “Sorry, I guess I didn’t hear you.” I bit my lip.
    “Look, whatever your reasons are for being here, thanks for checking up on me and making sure I was alright.” He smiled.
    “Yeah, well, whatever.” I shrugged.
    “Kass seriously, it really meant a lot,” he said more vehemently.
    “I don’t know what came over me. I saw that it was you guys downtown and when I heard that a few of you were shot, I panicked and came running here. Sorry if I caused any trouble. I'm just glad you’re okay,” I murmured, finally admitting to my not too believable farce. Jason stepped closer, but I pulled away, waving down a cab I saw coming. “Well junior, I'm glad to see you on your own two feet. See you

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