Vampire in Crisis

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Book: Vampire in Crisis by Dale Mayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale Mayer
Tags: vampire, Young Adult
plans for this gas. The heating system should be housed in the mechanical room, likely on this floor. We can scope it out and make sure no one is there.”
    “We’ll go there first,” Cody nodded. “Make sure our people are safe from attack.”
    “That no one is coming down yet also concerns me.” She turned and glanced back at the elevators. “The first group should be here by now. I’m going to go up and send a group down to help you.” She looked back to see Goran with his phone out again. “I suggest we get word out to Sian and Councilman Adamson. If the attack happens and many of our people are drugged, they could be taken in no time. With spikes, our friends and family could be gone in seconds – permanently.”
    And she needed to go alone. It was too dangerous for them. Plus this way, she could communicate through mindspeak and Cody could keep the rest of the group apprised of what was going on. Keep them all safe.
    She picked up the pace and ran to the elevator. The double doors stood open.
    Inside, she pushed the button to close the door. Cody raced toward her.
    “Wait for me, damn it,” he roared.
    “I can’t. The drugs aren’t likely to work on me, but they will on you.” She smiled sadly at him as the doors snapped shut in his face. “I have to keep you safe.” She screamed back into the empty room, “Help the ancients.”
    She didn’t know if he heard her, but she didn’t dare have him become a victim too. All her friends and family at the hospital were down on this level. If they stayed there, they’d likely be safe.
    At least as safe as anyone could be now.
    Cody kicked the elevator doors, then kicked them again. “Goddamit, Tessa.”
    “Easy, Cody. Wait until the elevator stops, then go up,” Goran called. “You know she’s just trying to keep you safe.”
    Cody turned to glare at his father, anger speeding through him. “I don’t want to be kept safe. I’m trying to keep her safe.”
    “Ha, good luck with that one. She’s a spitfire, that girl.”
    Cody watched as the ancients strode ahead almost out of sight, David trailing behind them. Did he go with them and help keep Tessa’s family safe like she wanted him to or go back up and try to look for that little witch? How effective was that going to be if she tried ditching him at every turn?
    And why the hell had she done that this time?
    The drugs. I don’t want you to get drugged.
    He spun to stare at the elevator as her voice sounded through his mind.
    Damn it, Tessa. You aren’t immune to the drugs any more than I am.
    No, maybe not, but with any luck I’ll see them coming. In your case, I won’t be able to warn you in time.
    Hell, you won’t be able to do anything yourself in time either. You have to stay alive, Tessa. Stop thinking you are indestructible just because you’ve got Deanna’s energy.
    No, I don’t think that. If anything, her memories, her information, all that wisdom are a burden that makes me realize I need to stay alive so I can pass it on to others.
    So use it to figure out how to stop this war instead.
    I have to help the others upstairs. I’ll keep you updated.
    And how are you going to do that? he demanded.
    I don’t know yet. She added, You’ll have to shut down the heating system.
    No, let David do that. He’s good with that type of thing. You go find the traitors. Leave that system to us.
    She smiled in his head . Okay.
    But her acceptance was a little too fast. A little too easy. Then he realized what he said. Damn it. You did that on purpose.
    She laughed. We all have a job to do in this war.
    And my place is at your side. You’re the one who refuses to understand that, he snarled, pissed at her for the manipulation. This isn’t something Tessa pre-Deanna would have done. She’d have explained her reasoning, understood that I had a right to the truth and could deal with being sent off in one direction or another without games. Don’t start the games, Tessa, he warned. You

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