drive Georgina crazy."
Bree looks away and gets back to slicing peaches. She chooses a small bowl and begins measuring ingredients to mix her glaze. She arranges her fruit on her cutting board in the shape of her tart. She studies the design before shaking her head and changing it.
"So," she breathes. "It's the least you could do to get her back for what she did to you."
"This contest will take care of that," I say quietly. "Can you imagine the look on her face if I won?" Bree pauses for a minute and nods in agreement.
I take a deep breath, realizing that if I want to win I will have to give up all of my free time.
All of it.
* * *
I bite the bullet and stay after my evening class with Miss Chester to begin practicing the art of napoleons. Cole promised his roommate that he would make dinner, so he said he would meet me later if I needed him. I reminded him that I wasn't planning on using an oven, so he had the night off.
Miss Chester cleans up her station as I turn my focus to napoleons. I look at a few pictures of this tasty dessert on my laptop for inspiration. There are so many things I have to figure out.
Do I want to use fruit?
Do I want to use chocolate?
Do I want to make a traditional vanilla napoleon or come up with my own concoction?
"Are you sure you don't want my help?" Miss Chester asks before leaving me by myself. Despite the rumors circulating about me among the staff, Miss Chester's opinion of me hasn't seemed to change. She is a patient middle-aged woman. She's short, petite, and light on her feet. She also whips together most of the recipes in my school booklet by heart. She traveled the world working for a company that organizes chocolate shows. I had no idea that things like that even existed until she shared her story with the class. Miss Chester went from event planning to entering her own confections in competitions, eventually winning a national award for her mint chocolate bonbon.
"Ask me in a week or two," I reply. "I want to try and figure it out on my own first."
"I'm rooting for you, Poppy." She takes off her glasses and picks up her purse. "You don't have as much experience as the other students but you are more creative than most."
"Thanks, Miss Chester."
"Class is over. Call me Mel." She smiles and glances at the pictures of napoleons on my laptop on her way out. "Ballsy choice."
"I am hoping it will show the judges that I belong here."
"As long as you believe it." She glances at the time. "Ah, I need to get home to Norman."
"So you are married?" I ask, feeling way more comfortable asking her personal questions that any of the other teachers. "Some of us have wondered that since you hardly ever bring up your personal life. On second thought, none of the teachers really do."
"Norman is my cat," she laughs. "And as for the lower level teachers, all you need to know is that Mr. Harris is an old grump with a hot temper, Mr. Sellers has been extra snide since his messy divorce, and I spend all my free time writing a baking blog."
"Really? I would never guess that you were a blogger. Do you write as well as you bake?"
"Probably not," she responds. "Oye, that sounds braggy, doesn't it? Yep. I better get going. Norman gets pissy if I'm not home by dinnertime."
She takes her time shutting the door behind her. It creaks slightly as it closes, and instantly I am left alone with my thoughts. I wander through the pantry and grab a few ingredients for my dough. I decide to start with the basics and make a classic napoleon with vanilla custard filling and cocoa dusted on top. I will perfect a pretty design later. Right now, all I care about is taste.
"Light and fluffy," I repeat out loud as I form my dough. "Light and fluffy."
I knead enough dough to make a few different flavors before setting it in the fridge to rest. I will have to leave the dough here overnight. Tomorrow I will know just how light and fluffy I made it. I take a deep breath and begin cleaning up my