Sophie's Throughway

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Book: Sophie's Throughway by Jules Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jules Smith
some toast!” Brendon shouted after me as I mooched aimlessly around.
    â€œGo back from whence you came.” I waved my arm at him as if to dismiss him from my space. “And say Hi to Beelzebub when you get there.” I couldn’t find my iPad anywhere.
    The smell of hot buttered toast wafted in my direction and I suddenly felt quite peckish. “God, I am actually quite hungry.”
    Karl was already eating some and asking Brendon if he’d got any chocolate.
    â€œI know Mum. It makes you starving. You’ll probably want to eat loads.”
    â€œStarving? No. Not starving. You can’t even comprehend starving.” I picked up my toast and delighted in its buttery flavour. It tasted so much nicer than usual. After one and a half slices I’d had enough. That’s when the epiphany hit me. “Wow! You know what?” I declared, putting down my half slice of toast, “nobody really needs two slices of toast, it’s just greedy. One and a half is more than enough. If we ALL saved that other half instead of needlessly shoving it down our throats regardless, we could feed the world.”
    â€œThe world?” said Brendon.
    â€œWell yes, maybe – there’s a lot of bread knocking around in houses you know!” I continued to gabble on, verbalising the stream of amazing thoughts that were washing through my monkey brain.
    â€œI mean look at all the food we waste! We could take our leftovers and extra bits of stew and whatever and leave it in phone boxes!” I enthused.
    â€œWhat the fuck?” Karl spat out his toast at the thought and began to laugh all over again.
    â€œWhat the hell is wrong with you? I think you’re possessed.” I glared at him, starting to laugh myself. “Seriously, I’ve seen homeless people eating in phone boxes before. We should all take our food there. Buy extra and leave it inside the box. We could even bring back the iconic red phone boxes for this very purpose! Yes!Marvellous. They could be the soup kitchens of the future!
    â€œMum that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
    â€œThere’s no point in soup kitchens if you can’t read,” I stated.
    â€œWhat?” said Karl, wiping the stream of steady tears from his face.
    â€œIf you can’t read then you can’t see that it says ‘Soup Kitchen’ can you. DUH. But everyone can see a red phone box. Even foreigners will understand that. People who have sought asylum here will even understand that. It’s perfect!” I exclaimed in delight.
    â€œWhat if they’re colour blind?” Brendon asked.
    â€œIt’s still a bloody phone box!” I retorted.
    â€œBut what if they’re totally blind?” Karl giggled.
    â€œDo you know what? This is just typical of your lack of creativity. You two with your cerebral brains, wanting to rain on my parade because you’re incapable of thinking outside the box. Go to hell!”
    â€œWhat box Mum? The phone box?”
    I wandered through the house marvelling at how I was going to change the world. “Oh my God, it’s brilliant! Where’s my iPad?” I looked around hoping it would make itself visible. My astounding lucidity just HAD to be written.

    Chapter 11
    â€œMum, I think you should chill out and sit down.” Brendon followed me into my study as I went to look for my things.
    â€œYou BLOODY started this!” I began sifting through all the papers on my desk, desperately trying to find my Apple tablet.” I need to get my thoughts into words…I’m having some amazing ideas.”
    â€œThat’s normal Mum, it makes you think. Everybody knows that.”
    â€œWell, you might know that and the people over there might know that and the people that…don’t know WHERE they are might know that but…” I suddenly located my iPhone. That would have to suffice. Then I had another thought.

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