Phoenix Contract: Part Five (Fallen Angel Watchers)

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Book: Phoenix Contract: Part Five (Fallen Angel Watchers) by Melissa Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Thomas
gave his word, an ironclad bond which she was supposed to trust without question. She wondered what he’d do if she actually questioned it, but a teensy voice of wisdom in the back of her mind cautioned her against doing so. I can’t afford to alienate him.
    “I don’t understand you,” she said. “Why the about-face? Why are you changing sides? Matthew must’ve tried to change you, but the two of you were a pair of skilled liars caught up in an enabling relationship. So I just don’t see how it’s possible.” Her sarcasm earned an appreciative chuckle from Magnus. Not the response she’d been looking for.
    “Matthew taught me something about compassion and the human condition. He would have wanted me to help you become the next Phoenix, regardless of my personal motives,” Magnus said.
    “Because Matthew was a practical man,” Aiden mused. “Willing to do whatever he needed to do to get the job done.”
    “He was a moral man. You’re only hurting yourself if you malign his memory,” Magnus replied, and his words stung like iodine in a festering wound.
    “Which is more than can be said for you,” Aiden snapped, flinching as she acknowledged the bitter truth. Her pent-up anger with Matthew had stopped her from properly mourning his passing.
    “I acknowledge that killing the girl was wrong,” Magnus said. The Celt seemed to be making an effort to appease her for reasons that were not clear to Aiden.
    “I suppose for you, that’s progress,” she snarked, unwilling to toss him even a bone.
    “I’ve come to regret my actions, but probably not for reasons you’ll appreciate,” he said.
    “Try me,” Aiden suggested, confident that she’d be both surprised and disappointed.
    “The Phoenix has been my adversary for a long, long time,” Magnus said. “Not you, not Gregory, not even Channah, but The Phoenix itself. A thousand years ago when Channah chose Gregory, a scale was tipped out of balance. Gregory was stupid, arrogant, self-absorbed—”
    “A poor opponent,” Aiden said softly.
    “Yes, and all too easily destroyed,” Magnus agreed. “But for all of his short-comings and failings, Gregory was better than no Phoenix at all. Following his death, it didn’t take long for me to realize my mistake.”
    “So that’s why you’ve changed sides?” Aiden asked, incredulous. “In order to restore the Phoenix? Your sworn enemy?”
    “The last five hundred years have been boring,” Magnus said. “You have no idea how tedious immortality becomes without challenges.”
    “What’s wrong with Guillaume?” Aiden asked. Her question earned a sarcastic snort.
    “You’ve seen Guillaume. Do you really need to ask?” Magnus asked wryly. “Pretending to serve him for the last five hundred years has been excruciating.”
    “So you think I’ll make a better opponent?”
    “You’re smart, resourceful, and insightful,” Magnus agreed, perfectly willing to review her qualifications to become his new arch-nemesis. “A tad naïve, but you’ll outgrow it.”
    “So, that’s it,” she said, and silence fell between them. “You’re willing to help me become the Phoenix in order to restore some ancient balance, so we can go back to being sworn enemies when this is all over.”
    “You’re unbelievable,” she drawled.
    “Is my reason not good enough?” Magnus asked. The Celt’s black cloak rippled as he moved a pace closer. “I could make up a touching lie, a sorrowful, soulful sob story about guilt and realization and the rough road to redemption.”
    “No,” Aiden replied flatly. “I prefer you like this. I know what to expect, and I won’t be disappointed.”
    She stepped right up to him and reached up, grabbing the edge of his hood. With a yank, Aiden dragged it aside and exposed his hideous disfigurement. Bright golden eyes burned fiercely within his ruined face.
    “No more masks.” She took his hand in her own. “Let’s get this over with.”

    The trip lasted less

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