An Experienced Mistress

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Book: An Experienced Mistress by Bryn Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryn Donovan
of her pulse. He remembered the quickness of her breath. Everything about her physical response suggested vulnerability.
    Will let his head fall back against the carriage seat as they neared the shadowy outskirts of London.

    Chapter Five
    A few nights later, Will sat at the club waiting for Coventry to join him for dinner. Once the new cook arrived, he supposed he might dine at home. Then again, he might not. No club made a better dinner than Boodles; during the war, Will often thought longingly of their mutton chops, which he’d just ordered. Many young men dined at the place every night, including Coventry. Will spotted him now, coming in the door and handing his coat and hat to the servant there.
    “Hullo, Will,” he said, pulling up a chair. “Sorry I’m late. This new girl from the workhouse spoiled three of my silk shirts.”
    “Well, do not be too hard on her. She probably didn’t encounter many silk shirts in the workhouse.”
    “No, I should think not.” Coventry adjusted his cuff-links. “Still, I hope you’re not planning to get us into a fight this evening. Denouncing the Queen and all that. I’d like to keep this shirt from getting ruined.”
    “I will endeavor to restrain myself.” Will gestured to the waiter to bring another glass of wine for his friend.
    “Are you giving up shaving?” Coventry asked. “Or did you just have a rough night?”
    Will touched the few days’ growth on his chin. “I had a beard and moustache in Crimea. I missed it.” Will only shaved it off in the first place because of his meeting with Violet Tudbury. The fact that she preferred a clean-shaven look was no longer of interest to him.
    “So, have you seen your family yet?”
    “Yes. Father and Stuart are still in the country, but Mother and Katy are in Town.”
    The waiter brought the second wine glass, and Coventry poured and took a sip. “I hope it was an amicable reunion.”
    “Extremely, since it was just them. The only possible argument might be over how soon I can provide grandchildren.”
    Coventry raised an eyebrow. “Is your mother in that much of a hurry to be a grandmother?”
    “Good God, yes. She did not broach the subject yesterday, but she mentioned it in her letters often enough while I was away.”
    “Indeed? Did she expect you to find a friendly peasant girl over there and set to work?”
    “Ha. More along the lines of how she could not wait for me to get back home and start a family. I think she wants to make sure there will still be children around once Katy is grown.”
    “Mmm. So are you looking for a bride?”
    “Hardly. I’m taking a leaf out of Jack’s book, and taking a mistress.”
    Since their first meeting, Will considered perhaps a dozen times to cut things off with Miss Bell. He wanted one thing, and he was not getting it.
    But his thoughts always came back to the inevitable conclusion that he wanted to see her again. For so long, his life seemed as colorless, cold and gray as the gruel he’d been served aboard the transport ship. Every time he thought of his upcoming meeting with Genevieve, it seemed that his world had color and flavor again.
    He must see her again.
    Besides, he’d never been one to back down from a challenge.
    “Well well,” Coventry said. “Who might this woman be?”
    “You pointed her out the other night. She’d been with that artist fellow, until lately.”
    “Micajah Visser’s redheaded friend? What, did they have a falling-out?”
    “They did indeed. It was most convenient.”
    Coventry inclined his head in a gesture of admiration. “You waste no time, my friend. What part of Town does she live in?”
    “Just outside of it. She has a cottage in the country.”
    “Charming! And she lives all by herself?”
    “Yes, just her and one maid.”
    “I always thought of you as more the marrying kind,” Coventry said. “But why not? As long as you’re careful.”
    “Of course.”
    The day after Genevieve had agreed to

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