The Ninth: Invasion

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Book: The Ninth: Invasion by Benjamin Schramm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Benjamin Schramm
feel better to keep things a secret, I’m not about to stand in your way, let alone get mad at you for it.  I’m happy with us.  Why would I let what others think change that?”
    “Sometimes I wonder if you are too understanding.”
    “You’d prefer if I was a smart-aleck like Cain?” Brent asked with a grin.
    “One pain in the rear is enough for me, thank you.”
    “Is there anything else, or can I get to Tyra now?”
    “That’s it.  Good luck.  You’ll need it to convince her of anything.”
    Brent smiled and started walking toward the seventh barracks.  Peeking in the window, he spotted the other girls in the squad, but Tyra was missing.  Heading back to the fourth, Brent noticed the other guys were sitting on the dirt outside.
    “Something wrong?” Brent asked.
    “Two things.”  Sanderson held up two fingers.
    “One,” Owen said as Sanderson lowered one finger, “the temperature control is on the fritz, so it’s an oven in there.”
    “And two, Tyra is in there with Ronald,” Doug groaned as Sanderson folded the other finger, “probably crying her eyes out.”
    “Ronald left strict orders no one was to enter until they were finished,” Sanderson said.
    “Not like he had to order us out; I could hear my brains sizzling,” Humphrey mumbled.
    “So you’ve all just been sitting here ever since?” Brent asked.
    “Not like we have a lot of options,” Cain said with a disappointed moan.  “No observation deck on a planet.  And I’m not exactly in the mood to do laps around our makeshift common room out here.”
    “I expected more from you, Cain,” Brent said with a growing grin.  “A true bookie would never give in so easily.”
    “What are you talking about?”
    “You had the wife of a Governor over a barrel in her own house, but you have to think this one out?  Think about it.  Not all these barracks were empty when we got here, but now they are.  What does that tell you?”
    “That everyone left?” Doug asked.
    “Precisely.”  Brent gestured to the empty training area.  “A large force of bored Protectorates.  Now unless someone at the academy is teaching stealth classes through distance learning . . .”
    “They are out on the town!” Cain said as he jumped to his feet.
    “And where there are soldiers in search of entertainment . . .”
    “There are credits to be made!”
    “I’m so proud of you, figuring it out all on your own.”  Brent wiped at a mock tear.
    The rest of the men burst into laughter as they got to their feet.  Cain acted almost like a bloodhound with the scent of a juicy bone as he left the compound.  At first, the locals kept their distance.  When the troopers stumbled across a bar filled with Protectorates, Cain was the first to break the ice with a rousing card game, one he lost of course.  As the night progressed, and the locals warmed up to the troopers, Cain started winning.  By the time they headed back to the barracks, Cain had made exactly as many credits as he had lost.  Heading back to the compound, the troopers moved quickly, as it was a bit on the chilly side.
    “You could have taken them for everything they were worth.”  Mr. Springate patted Cain on the back; breaking the silence he had been maintaining the entire night.
    “True, but we might be here for a while.  What would I have to gain by alienating every Protectorate on the first night?  I’d make more by winning small amounts every night than I’d ever make in a single night.”
    “And tonight?” Sanderson asked.
    “A wash.  Get them warmed up.  Tomorrow they will be back for more; they won’t even mind when I win just a little more than I lose,” Cain said with a grin.
    “That’s all well and good, but could I get a hand here?” Humphrey mumbled as he carried Doug.
    “Who knew Mr. Manly couldn’t handle his drinks?”  Mr. Springate gave Humphrey a hand with Doug.
    “Oh, I like that!”  Cain smiled sinisterly.
    “Don’t start, Cain.  Tell

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