Elfhame (Skeleton Key)
world. It concentrated its attack on the portion of the barrier guarded by Hawthorne and Nightshade, and every time their warriors sealed a breach, the Void managed to open a new one. The other courts had sent reinforcements as well, keeping only enough warriors to patrol the boundaries of their own territories.
    But there were not enough Dark Elves to contain the sustained assault from the Void. Not this time.
    Bran drew in a long breath and glanced at the full orb of the moon. Planting his feet firmly in the soil, he lifted his hands and drew upon his wellspring of power.
    Violet light streamed from his hands, splashing across the invisible barrier that encircled Elfhame. He found the edges of the tear, and pulled them back together, weaving his magic back and forth to create a strong seal. When it was mended, he raised his voice and spoke the word of binding.
    White light flared across the clearing. The border was secure.
    Just below hearing, he was aware of the Void’s rage, a black hum of fury. If he had to guess, he would say the Void had exhausted the other worlds it preyed upon. In the past, Elfhame had been too much trouble, but now he could sense a desperation in its hunger.
    He thought it no coincidence that the Void’s efforts to break through were concentrated near the doorway to yet another land: the mortal world where humans dwelt. They would stand little chance against the creatures now attacking the Dark Elves.
    Humans were weak, despite their iron swords and masses of soldiers. It was not because of their fighting prowess that the Dark Elves had closed the doorway and returned to Elfhame. Mortals, with very few exceptions, lacked the magic to repel the creatures of the Void. They would make a sweet feast for its devouring energy.
    But he should not dwell on such dark thoughts. Now Mara had arrived, an end to the battle was in sight.
    Bran strode back to Lieth’s small camp. He bundled up her sleeping roll and struck her tent, stowing it and most of her supplies in the waterproof saddlebags she’d brought. Without a horse to help transport everything back, he’d have to leave most of it for later retrieval.
    He made up a smaller pack for himself with the food, water, and a blanket. It should not take him more than a turn or two to return to the main camp, but it was always wise to be prepared.
    As the brightmoon rose high in the star-etched sky, he set off. He paralleled the barrier, keeping a tendril of magic lightly touching the boundary that walled off the world. For a half-turn, all was quiet. Silver light filtered through the trees and cast radiance into the open glades where white-petaled flowers bloomed. Their faint perfume drifted on the air, along with the quiet coo of ashdoves.
    Then Bran sensed a tremor in the barrier. He paused and extended his power more fully, then shuddered at what he felt. The coldness of the Void seeped into his soul.
    A large breach had opened ahead—and if he was any judge, it was near the main camp. If Mara was in danger…
    Quickly, he withdrew his magic and began to run, cursing his lack of a horse. His heart beat, fast and strong, as he dashed through the silver-lit forest that lay between him and the threat to Elfhame’s entire future.

    M ara blinked, emerging from strange dreams of moonlight and monsters with slitted pupils. She felt cold; the fire had died down and she must have kicked off the quilt.
    Something was awry with the ceiling. Unease curled through her as she blinked again, trying to clear the muzz of sleep from her head. Pale fabric rose above her, and she lay in a narrow cot. Shouts filtered in from outside, voices raised in a language not her own.
    A jolt of wrongness went through her.
    She was not lying in the bedroom she shared with her sisters. Not in Little Hazel. Not even in the world she called home.
    She was in the Dark Elves’ world, where they were fighting a battle against strange creatures—and it seemed the fight was taking place

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