The Sorcerer's Destiny (The Sorcerer's Path)

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Book: The Sorcerer's Destiny (The Sorcerer's Path) by Brock Deskins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brock Deskins
like he has done so many times before. Not this time!”
    “No one is here to bully anyone,” Jarvin assured the agitated lord. “Lord Giles is here to apprise us of the current situation so we may make intelligent decisions based upon fact and not emotions brought about by old prejudices. Azerick, how stands our current situation?”
    “Poorly and getting worse,” Azerick answered. “The Scions breached the barrier in a manner that allowed them to take command of the dragons.”
    “Have they escaped then? Are they on the march now?” Jarvin asked.
    “I do not think so. This happened just before I departed North Haven, and I have not had a chance to inspect their prison because I am here dealing with this. Only recently is my son able to get out of bed due to the agony using his power causes him, and I just put down one of my dearest friends, but I cannot help any of them right now because I have to settle the squabbles of children! People are suffering and dying for all our welfare, including yours, but you still cannot see past your own insignificant existence.”
    Lord Atwater snorted derisively. “Dragons, yet more of your nonsense. Several times my army, and others, have fought these creatures you claim belong to some ancient gods, and each time we defeated them handily. You once asked us what you would gain by having us build up our defenses. We only need look across Argoth’s border for the answer to that. Oh, you were quite clever and very convincing, Lord Giles. Creating this fiasco so that we all build up armies so no one questions the power you are amassing was a stroke of brilliance. Your friends in Sumara attack us from the south while your army strikes from the north eliminating any further resistance to your plans of conquest. And do not think I don’t know about this magic well of yours, all to increase your power so you can make yourself king. You have even managed to create a navy with your ships and your son’s pirates.”
    “My son captured three of my ships and took the crew hostage,” Azerick responded tersely, “and the Source pool aides all who can channel magic.”
    “But none as much as you.” Lord Atwater turned his eyes to Headmaster Florent. “Am I right, Headmaster?”
    “From what little I know of such a thing, your argument appears correct.”
    “You may have the King and others fooled or cowed, but not me! I will not stand idly by while you march your foreign friends into my kingdom. Nor will I allow anyone to take what is mine. I bought my army with my gold, and I will use it as I see fit. They will march south and drive those desert dwellers back from whence they came. If the King wishes to hand over the crown to you then so be it, but do not expect me toss in my gold or lands as well.”
    “This is your final word on the matter? Think well, Lord Atwater,” Azerick said, his voice as cold as a grave carved in the ice of the northern wastes.
    “I have thought well and given my answer. Do not think to intimidate me, sorcerer. I am here under the King’s protection and sworn word of safe passage.”
    “You, all of you, are fools if you think anyone can promise safety in these times.”
    Azerick thrust his staff at the nobleman. A black and silver ray lanced out of the arcanum sphere, struck the surprised man in the chest, hurled him from his seat, and pressed him against the wall fifteen feet above the assembled crowd. Several people cried out and made to race from the room. With his free hand, Azerick struck them all down with an invisible wall of force carrying the strength of an ocean wave.
    An acrid smoke filled the room as Azerick’s abyssal beam destroyed Lord Atwater’s body and turned it into something unrecognizable. Azerick ignored several protests and even the ringing of armor and swords being drawn as guardsmen rushed into the room and formed a defensive wall around their King. When the arcane assault finally ended, nothing of the rebellious lord remained

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