There Your Heart Will Be Also

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Book: There Your Heart Will Be Also by Felicia Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Felicia Rogers
was his chance , his opportunity to woo his bride to be. Aye , he’d come for the land. But it couldn’t hurt to make his future wife enamored with him as well .

Chapter Eleven
    The day dawned bright and clear with rays of sunlight streaming through the window . Sarra stretch ed in bed . The sounds of a fair amount of activity from down below reached her . H av ing overslept, she hurriedly dressed and rushed downstairs.
    Upon her entrance into the main hall , a hush settled over the room. Charism spotted her immediately and headed her way. Grabbing Sarra’s arm, she ushered her out of the hall.
    â€œCharism! I told you not to make a fuss.”
    â€œOh, we didna make a fuss.”
    â€œYou didn’t make a fuss? The whole hall is decorated. How were you planning on hiding the festivities from me?” asked Sarra , attempting to peer back inside the room .
    â€œI had no intentions of hiding them , ” replied Charism, a smile in her voice.
    â€œBut…but… were you not afraid I would try to stop you?”
    â€œNay ,” said Charism.
    â€œNay ? I s all you can say?”
    â€œNay, ye would never stop the celebration for ye r birthday because ye realize all the hard work and planning which has gone on for ye. Also ye know ye people need a break from their chores and this is a great reason. ” Hands folded across her chest, lips tilted upwards, she added, “ Now we have established ye r role of waiting and enjoying yer special day , I must get back to decorating and ye must go find something to do elsewhere, until time for ye appearance.”
    Sarra stood dumbfounded by her dismissal. Charism was correct . Sarra couldn’t , in good conscience , stop the villagers from taking a break and having a day of celebration. But why did Charism ha ve to ch o ose her birthday for the event ? T his was the whole point , of course . Charism was determined Sarra’s twenty-first birthday be a special one. She herself could have spent the whole day doing normal activities and have been just as content. As it was , there stood to be lots of good food, plenty of company, and lots of dancing.
    Sarra walk ed toward the stables , thinking about the gowns available in her wardrobe. She could wear the emerald silk but it was probably too fanc y for an event such as her birthday. It would be more appropriate for a wedding.
    She stopped in her tracks. What? Why had such a thought entered her mind? There would be no wedding for as long as she could help it.
    It was the Scotsman. Him and the brief kiss he ’d laid across her lips. She should have slapped him where he stood. Why had she allowed him to take such liberties?
    Sarra had been weak. Plain and simple. But it wouldn’t happen again. No, Sarra would be on her guard next time. This Cedric MacNeil character, whoever he was, with whatever he wanted here at Greenbriar , might as well give up. There was no way he would receive what he sought.
    She began walking again.
    Cedric was in the lists . Off by himself, he held the sword in position. With a step forward, he thrust at an imaginary opponent. As he lifted his sword to practice a downward swing, he lost his footing.
    It was all her fault. He couldn’t get his mind off the kiss he ’ d shared with Sarra just t hree day s before. He couldn’t stop thinking about how Sarra had looked with her eyes shut, her lips parted with a sigh of contentment .
    Then he saw her. T he object of his thoughts careen ed by , riding a horse toward the keep’s gates as if the hounds of death were after her.
    For a moment, he didn’t move. His eyes followed the cloud of dust kicked up by Sarra’s horse. His p ulse quickened as explanations for the lass’ s flight entered his mind. What in the world would cause Sarra to leave the keep in such a hurry? Could the lass be in some kind of danger?
    Without another moment’s hesitation, Cedric went to the stables and

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