The Meltdown of a Banker's Wife

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Book: The Meltdown of a Banker's Wife by Gill Davy-Bowker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gill Davy-Bowker
    â€˜I would ask you the same thing,’ replied Kelly, but at least allowed Robert to support her up the drive. Mel decided it was best to make a quick getaway. She’d seen enough for today. She didn’t want nightmares. She left Kelly’s things by the door and shot off down the path, making excuses that she had to get the children home to bed.
    â€˜Don’t you want a drink?’ offered Robert. He really didn’t seem to want to be alone with Kelly, but it was not Mel’s problem.
    â€˜No, thanks anyway. Hope she’s better soon! Bye!’ she trilled, relieved to be leaving.
    â€˜What was wrong with Auntie Kelly, Mummy?’ asked Amy.
    â€˜I think she might have a tummy bug,’ lied Mel.

    â€˜That’s twice in one week, Mel! We’re going to have to get the car valeted. It’s like a swamp in the back seat. What was Kelly doing anyway? Since when has she been drinking in the daytime?’ huffed Alan. He was right, it was getting beyond a joke. The leather was starting to soften with all the gastric juices that had been splattered on it. It was quite an interesting biological experiment really. One could observe how the fly can digest its prey on a gigantic scale.
    â€˜I really don’t know what’s going on between Kelly and Robert. Methinks something is “rotten in the state of Denmark”, so to speak,’ insinuated Mel.
    â€˜Or perchance Robert’s rehearsing for a pantomime?’ reasoned Alan hopefully.
    â€˜Yes, that’ll be it! Mind you, it’s only May. Bit early for a pantomime,’ but Mel hoped that Robert was indeed planning to tread the boards. A nice, simple, wholesome and unthreatening explanation.
    She changed the subject. ‘Well, they’ll both be back in school on Monday!’ she said brightly. ‘Last half term before summer hols. They’re growing up so fast! Where’s all the time gone?’
    â€˜They’ll be teenagers before we know it,’ agreed Alan. ‘That reminds me, Mel. I wanted to apologise for the amount of time I’ve been spending in work.’
    â€˜Well, thanks for acknowledging that. I was beginning to wonder how we’d managed to make the children! We couldn’t do it now … that’s for sure … unless we used a turkey baster and some dirty magazines!’
    â€˜Thing is though, Mel … the boss is telling me that I’m not committed enough. He says that my “work/life balance” is far too weighted towards home and family and that I’m never going to get beyond first base.’
    â€˜I do not believe it, Alan! Come on! You’re having an affair aren’t you!? This is all some elaborate excuse. You’re buttering me up with apologies then saying that you need to spend more time away! Good grief, Alan, do you think I was born yesterday? I …’
    â€˜Mel, honestly! Big Swinging Dick is coming over from the States at the beginning of July. Boss says that I need to show one hundred per cent commitment or my balls are on the table. And he says that he’s wondering if I’ve got balls to put on the table!’ Alan cringed.
    â€˜It’s difficult for me to support you on the “balls” front, Alan,’ Mel sniffed. ‘I haven’t seen them in a very long time! Who the hell is this Big Swinging Dick anyway? I mean … has he got a life?!’
    â€˜No, Mel. I don’t think he has. All the top dogs at Ponsonby and Tosser have wads of dosh. They’ve got huge penthouses. They’ve got private jets. They’ve got herds of call girls. But no, I don’t think they have what you and I might describe as a life,’ sighed Alan. ‘In fact, I often wonder if they’re human at all. Half of them are paranoid, jumpy, temperamental cocaine-heads.’
    â€˜You’re not going to tell me you need to start a cocaine habit as well, are you? Seriously,

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