Rocky Mountain Oasis
past. “We would dig tunnels in the hay, making passageways and rooms. One time we took Mother’s best silver tea service up there and had a genuine tea party.” Her smile broadened as she turned back to Sky. “We got in trouble for losing the sugar bowl. We never did find it. The last time I remember playing with Jessica we looked for it again.” A sadness washed over her face. “Well,” she made an attempt to brighten her countenance, “is there more to the barn? Maybe I should go in and start dinner.” Her guard rose back into place.
    “Not much more. Just let me show you the chicken coop and then you can head in if you want.” He led her to a small door that opened on the side wall of the barn. As they came out on the southern side of the barn the sun shone brightly, reflecting off the water in the trough a few feet away. A lean-to stood against the side of the barn with a wooden ramp leading up to the opening where the chickens went in and out. “Since I don’t have too many chickens, I made the coop small.” He lifted the hinged roof of the structure.
    A hen, surprised by the burst of sunlight, launched through the opening, cackling, flapping, and sending feathers flying through the air.
    Brooke jumped with a sharp intake of breath, her hand going to her heart.
    Sky smiled. “Sorry. You okay?” When she nodded with a chuckle, he continued, “I made the roof hinged so it would be easy to collect the eggs. All the roosts are on top, so all you have to do is reach down in and gather them.” She came closer and peered inside the coop, then looked up at him.
    “Thank you for showing me around. I think I’ll head in and fix dinner now.”
    “That’s fine. I have a couple of chores to finish, and then I’ll be right in.”

    As Brooke gathered dinner ingredients she couldn’t seem to keep her mind off the double bed in the corner. He had said he wouldn’t touch her, but there was only one bed. Fear crept back into her soul. He had been kind and courteous all the time she’d known him, but experience had taught her that men were explosive, choosing to do whatever they wanted, often on the spur of the moment’s whim.
    Nervousness made her fidgety, and she jumped when the door clicked open. If Sky noticed, he did not let on but went straight to the wash basin and cleaned up as she placed dinner on the table. Thankfully Darcy, Uncle Jackson’s cook, had taught her to prepare several different dishes. Tonight she had relied on an easy favorite—beef stew with potatoes and carrots. Hot biscuits with butter and honey also graced the table.
    “Do…do you prefer coffee with dinner or m-milk or...water?” Brooke stammered.
    He dried his hands on the towel, watching her as though he knew something was bothering her. “Coffee is fine.” He nodded at the pot and took his chair, his back to the main part of the room.
    She moved to the stove, picked up the coffee pot, and let out a yelp of pain. Reflexively, she let go of the searing handle, spilling the contents all over the stove and floor.
    Sky was at her side in an instant. “Here, let me see that.”
    He took her hand into his, examining her palm and adding to the turmoil already churning in her heart. Her pulse began to race at the tender touch of his hand. Averting her eyes from his expression of concern, she focused on the droplets of coffee that sizzled and danced across the stovetop, sending steam wafting through the air. On the stone firebreak. On the patchwork quilt covering the bed. On anything to get her mind off the way his touch curled her stomach and increased her breathing. A floorboard creaked under their feet, and somewhere outside an owl sent a lonely call into the night.
    Only a split second had passed, but she couldn’t stand his closeness any longer. Snatching her hand away, she rubbed it down the side of her skirt. “I’m okay, really. I’ll clean up this mess,” she gestured to the spilled coffee, “and put on another pot. You

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