My Two Doms

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Book: My Two Doms by G. G. Royale Read Free Book Online
Authors: G. G. Royale
Tags: BDSM Contemporary Menage
walked fast. She didn’t ponder where she went, what she saw, or whether Jason and Gregory followed. Her mind whirled, self-castigation foremost in a sea of feelings. What had she been thinking, really? Two men? Right. No matter how hot last night had seemed—God, it had been really hot—this whole thing was destined to fail. It had to. Humans couldn’t commit to two people, could they? And wasn’t it just like men to fight over the female? Wildebeests, lions, mountain goats… They were all the same. With men, ego and competition came before relationships and cooperation. And what could she ever do to change that?
    Tears stung Haley’s eyes, and the swamp blurred around her as she charged ahead.
    And then a spiderweb struck her square in the face. She closed her eyes against it and tried to peel it off. She brushed against the fat body of a golden silk spider, right on her cheek. She managed not to scream. As she frantically tried to get the spider and the web off, she lost her balance. She attempted to catch herself, but one foot went over the edge of the boardwalk. She felt a sickening moment of teetering, hoping she could regain her stability and end up back on the walkway.
    Then the world flipped beneath her, and she fell the few feet down into the swamp. As she went down, a squeal of shock was ripped from her lips.
    Tepid brown water closed over Haley’s head.
    Her feet found dubious purchase on the slick, muddy bottom, and she pushed up, wiping web and water from her face. She took a deep breath, sputtering and trying to get her composure. After a few moments, she felt comfortable enough to assess her situation.
    She looked at the edge of the boardwalk. It sat high enough that she knew she would not be able to hoist herself out. Hillocks of grassy earth rose periodically from the murky water. Her best bet would be to try to make it to one of those and then haul herself out. Following that, she would have to call for help and hope Gregory and Jason didn’t have their heads so far up their asses that they couldn’t hear her.
    But then she saw it.
    An alligator a few yards off, floating there, its black eyes just visible over the surface, duckweed covering its scaly head. Fear kept her from adequately gauging its size. Could it eat her? She couldn’t tell. Haley didn’t know what to do. She remembered hearing a story about a kid not far from here who lost his arm to a gator in a swimming hole. Was it best to play dead or to make a lot of noise and try to scare it off? Did gators attack things that acted injured? She always confused hunting behavior of sharks and gators—what little of it she knew from watching Animal Planet anyway.
    Haley couldn’t keep in the squeak of fear that threatened to escape.
    The alligator dipped its head beneath the water; its eyes vanished.
    She screamed for real. She couldn’t tell where it would go or what it would do. She started panicking, trying to make it to the nearest hillock, hoping it would offer some protection. Muddy water churned around her, and her breath came in short, panting sobs.
    She looked up. Gregory and Jason were leaning over the edge of the boardwalk with their hands extended. She stood as best she could on the muddy bottom of the swamp and reached toward them. They grabbed hold of her wrists and pulled her up. As she cleared the edge of the boardwalk, she heard the snap of giant jaws behind her.
    Then her world went black.

Chapter Six
    The warm water of a Jacuzzi tub swirled around Haley. She could feel Jason’s prick against her ass, straining for her even though she knew worry must fill his heart. Haley took a deep breath. The moments before she’d blacked out flashed through her mind. If they’d arrived a second later, she could have become gator food.
    But now she felt safe, connected, in one of the house’s big rooms with Jason and Gregory in the tub with her. She closed her eyes. Jason pressed against her back, and Gregory

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